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Problems with F3-10600CL8D-4GBHK with GigaByte GA-P55-UD3R

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  • Problems with F3-10600CL8D-4GBHK with GigaByte GA-P55-UD3R

    Motherboard: GigaByte GA-P55-UD3R
    BIOS: F2 (and also tryed with F3n)
    Memory: F3-10600CL8D-4GBHK
    CPU: Intel Core i5

    When I propperly put the modules for the Dual Channel, the computer doesn`t boot. As the manual saids, I introduce one module in the slot#1 and the other module in the slot#2

    If I insert any of the modules individually, both work perfectly in any of the four slots. Theese are the combination I can make:
    - SLOT1(white) / SLOT4(blue): works (but the BIOS only recognizes 2GB)
    * SLOT2(blue) / SLOT1(white): works (the BIOS detects 4GB, but not in Dual Channel)
    - SLOT2(blue) / SLOT3(white): works (but the BIOS only recognizes 2GB)
    * SLOT3(white) / SLOT4(blue): works (the BIOS detects 4GB, but not in Dual Channel)

    This is the third time that I change the memory model, thinking that it was a compatibility problem with my motherboard, but I think I can fix this with a propper BIOS configuration, could you please help me?? Thank you so much!

  • #2
    You need them in slots 1-3 for dual channel w/ two sticks. That's why in their configuration table you attached they show 1-3 for two sticks in dual channel or all four slots filled.

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      Sorry Tradesman,
      That`s how I tried and the system doesn`t boot. Using slots 1 and 2 I have the 4GB but not in Dual Channel...


      • #4
        Try in 2-4, 2 being closest to the CPU. Have you run memtest on each stick individually?

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          I have just done it and it happens the same as in 1-3. I also have checked both memories individualy with a memory test and they passed it perfectly.

          I think that I have to configure the BIOS manualy as other gSkill similar memories with this motherboard:
          *F3-10666CL8D-4GBRM on GA-P55-UD3R (BIOS settings)
          *F3-10666CL7D-4GBRH Stuttering Issue


          • #6
            Enter all the settings and make sure voltages are correct, otherwise it should show as 4GB. If not, send those sticks in for new replacements and the new set should be better.

            Thank you
            GSKILL USPPORT


            • #7
              This is the third set that my supplier changes me the memory; they tested the memories in other computers and they worked, but with this motherboard they had lots of problems...

              I have tried everything (insisting on the voltages) but when I use slots 1-3 or 2-4 the pc doesn`t start and a large beep (about 7seconds) sounds from my case.

              Which settings do I have to enter with theese memories?? Do you have the BIOS Configuration Guide for my case?? Please I need your help

              THANK YOU!


              • #8
                does it work fine while installing only one stick?
                if there is still problem, it might be memory slots or memory controller issue
                so, please try to install one stick at one time


