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falcon 128GB in raid 0 gone bad...

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  • falcon 128GB in raid 0 gone bad...


    I got lot of trouble with my Falcon 128GB :

    I have 4 GSKILL FALCON 128GB in RAID 0.

    Under windows, on the Intel matrix storage (call IMS) i should normally see this :

    But one of them crash alot (my raid array crash each day ).

    So each day, when I came back from work, i saw that my computer has restart and IMS tell me that one disk gone bad.

    In first, I think the problem come from the SATA port on the mother board, so I mix the disk when I reinstall my computer.
    So i have tried to but this disk on the port 0, then 1, then 2 and i finish with port 4.

    each time the same disk crash...

    Information on my computer : have put latest driver on
    I put the latest firmware on each disk (FW2030) too.

    So I look closely on IMS utility :

    First disk information:

    2nd one :

    3rd one:

    And the last one (the one gone bad):

    I lost lot information that where probably store in this disk, windows 7 can't make an disk image, computer freez and restart.

    Before upgrading the FW, i saw that each disk name was yatapon-barefoot not GSKILL like in the caps.

    Is my disk bad?

    I r got lot of freeze now.

    Thank’s in advance for your answer.

  • #2
    Made more test last night :

    Disk plug on the mother board : array dead, windows can no more start ...

    I got an Adaptec RAID 5805 card.

    I connect the 4 SSD on and boot my computer.

    In the adaptec gui i only see one disk ...

    So i change the disk port and manage to see the 4 disk.

    I made my raid 0 array on it

    boot windows install, sp?cify te adptec raid driver.

    Windows start copying the file on the disk and crash, the array lost 3 disks ...

    try installing windows from 22H00 to 02H00 this morning

    So what should i do ?? ask for RMA for the 4 disk (raid 0 with 4 disk better with the same serie of disk)


    • #3
      Been in contact whith gskill tech by mail.

      Disk sent to RMA.

      Thank's gskill tech for your support.

