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Updating Phoenix 60Gb to 3.2 firmware in Linux? possible?

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  • Updating Phoenix 60Gb to 3.2 firmware in Linux? possible?

    Ok... since no Gskill tech was able to come up with any solution towards my problems of NOT being able to flash my 2 Phoenix 60GB SSD from version 2.1 to version 3.2

    I was wondering if i am able to use this method to flash. Since both of my drives are now showing these SMART attributes errors.

    1st drive
    ID           : 5  
    Attribute    : Reallocated Sector Count
    Worst        : 89
    Threshold    : 3
    Value        : 992 sectors
    2nd drive
    ID           : 5  
    Attribute    : Reallocated Sector Count
    Worst        : 94
    Threshold    : 3
    Value        : 512 sectors
    Doing a search on this SMART error, results from this forum has indicated that it is firmware 2.1 that is causing this problem and updating to firmware 3.2 should fix the SMART output?

    Anyhow what i want to know is, is it safe if i try a different method of updating the Phoenix firmware, by using the Linux utils 'hdparm' with the option '--fwdownload' instead of the update util provided by Gskill. Since i dont think it would have the pre-hardware check, which im having trouble with.

    Your site state that the firmware 3.2 is for Phoenix and Phoenix Pro SSD, to which i own 2 60GB Phoenix, which i cannot flash to version 3.2 or 3.1 only to 2.1 (It just say that my drive hardware is not contained in the firmware Pkg file)

    So can a Gskill tech try and flash a phoenix drive firmware using 'hdparm --fwdownload', and let me know if that method is able to flash safely, or if in the event that the firmware update fail, i would still be able to reflash it to version 2.1 using the Gskill firmware update utility?

    Thanks in advance, i have been cursed with this problem with no solution, please help me fix it, I would RMA it if it does turn out there is nothing i can do, but for the time being the process take too long.
    Last edited by codester; 03-07-2011, 10:57 AM.

  • #2
    Hi codester,

    please contact

    they will assist you to replace.
    please point it out on mail.

