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Mac: Phoenix Pro 120GB hangs after idling

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  • Mac: Phoenix Pro 120GB hangs after idling

    I recently bought a new Phoenix Pro 120GB ssd to put in my macbook pro (mid-2010). The first problem was my mac didn't even recognize the drive but found a work around by cloning the drive. However, I've just recently discovered that my system would hang after being woken up from sleep after idling for a bit. Is anyone else with a mac having this problem? Is this a known problem? It works fine if I closed the lid and it went to sleep or if I make it go to sleep. Is it time for an rma? Btw, the ssd label said it was made in NOV.2010 if that helps.

  • #2
    I had a similar issue, it was not due to the SSD being faulty but the second drive that I installed into a MCE OptiBay. I swapped my SSD to the OptiBay (tight fit), replaced out the storage HDD with the stock HDD that came with the pro. Resolved my sleep issues immediately.

    Not sure if you installed a OptiBay type device or not.

    If not, you could try to turn off safe sleep.


    • #3
      Crash on wake from sleep as well, Mac Pro

      I am having the same problem on a Mac Pro. I have a Phoenix Pro 120GB, identified as:


      I believe this means I have the 3.1 firmware, but am not 100% sure.

      Cloned my old Mac Pro drive onto the SSD, and it works well except for the sleep issue. If the Mac Pro goes to sleep, it crashes on wake. Specific of the crash is a beachball on wake, and the only recover is to power cycle. There are numerous descriptions of the problem on the net, but no description of a fix. Reading through the G.Skill forum, it appears others are reporting the problem and G.Skill has reported the problem to SandForce?

      This does not have to do with using the SSD in a second bay of a Mac Book Pro. This is a generic problem with wake from sleep on a Mac. I have a Mac Pro (2008 model) with 10.6.5 and all of the latest patches.


      • #4
        The issue you describe is the exact problem I had. However, you are correct it did not have anything to with which bay the SSD was installed in. It did have to do with the secondary drive I had installed, coexisting with the SSD.

        When I ran with just the SSD alone, no issues. I then swapped the hybrid drive (I'd been using as a storage drive) with the stock 5400RPM drive that came with my MacBook Pro, the sleep issue went away. For the sake of being thorough, I hooked up the hybrid again, sleep issue returned.

        I'd be curious to see what happens if you disconnect all your other HDD's and attempt to wake from sleep.

        Not saying this will fix your problem, but what you describe is fairly similar to what I experienced. Just a bit of information with hope that it helps.

        EDIT: Same SSD except I'm running 2.1.


        • #5
          same issue no clue what to do

          I have a phoenix 120 GB with 3.1 frmwre on a late '08 Macbook Pro with the same exact problem. Beachball of death after wake from sleep. Can be really annoying if I haven't saved any files before I close the lid down. The Stange thing is that it's random, doesn't always happen but it still occurs once every three to five wake from sleep's. Thankfully it only takes 15 sec to boot but I wish there was some solution to this. BTW, I never had this problem on my original Hitachi hdd so this has to be a G.skill ssd problem. Hope one of you guys at G.skill can figure this one out, all of us with Macs will greatly appreciate it.


          • #6
            We are working with Sandforce for a solution. Hopefully there is a resolve shortly.

            Thank you
            GSKILL TECH


            • #7
              Any update on Mac hanging after sleep issue?

              Is there any update from Sandforce on this issue?


              • #8
                Hi sircoolio,

                we haven't received any news from Sandforce.

                I forget I have already informed them how many times.

                I am deeply sorry.


                • #9
                  Safe FW version?

                  I'm experiencing this issue myself, although very intermittently (probably 1 out of 15 wakes from sleep). Is there a firmware version which is known to not have this problem that I can downgrade to?

                  [Macbook Pro Unibody October 2008]


                  • #10
                    Hi tmeasday,

                    what can I say.
                    The answer is no.
                    They don't provide any useful firmware to solve this problem.


                    • #11
                      any update?

                      Any update from Sandforce on addressing the wake from sleep issues on the Mac?


                      • #12
                        As we know, the Firmware 4.0 still can not solve this issue of sleep.


                        • #13
                          Seems that 4.2 didn't fix this problem either. Will there ever be a fix to this problem?


                          • #14
                            My Phoenix Pro just bricked due to the S3 sleep issue. This is disappointing.

