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Win7 fresh install - startup problem & solution...

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  • Win7 fresh install - startup problem & solution...

    Just got my new FM-25S2S-60GBP2 today.
    Did a fresh Win7 32-bit install (I use Linux most of the time, but of course needed to install windows first).

    Everything went well. Updated the firmware (note: don't forget to run the loader program as admin otherwise it won't see the drive). Drive recognized by bios and all bios settings ok. Partitioned & formatted, etc.

    Windows installed smoothly. I then rebooted my PC and after the win logo all I got was a blank screen! No error message/stop code. Weird. I waited a little while. Nothing. Rebooted a few times. Same thing each time. Booted into safe mode. I figured it was a driver issue. Downloaded and installed a bunch of drivers. Intel's RST. Still wouldn't boot all the way through to login. What's wrong with my new SSD drive? Sad thoughts of RMAing went through my head. lol.

    Searched and searched for possible answers. Finally, I found a post that gave me the solution to this "problem". Ready? It turns out that Win7 won't start after a fresh install *if you have two monitors/displays connected*!!! Can you &^%$! believe that? As if I needed yet one more reason to hate MSFT. I would have NEVER even thought that it was something like that. Had I not stumbled upon that one-sentence post, I could have wasted hours/days trying to figure out what was wrong.

    So...I disconnected my TV from the HDMI port and everything started fine. Grrrr.

    Hence the reason for this post. Perhaps I will save someone from pulling their hair out trying to figure out what's wrong with their new SSD when all along it's just a flaw in Win7.
    Last edited by svg; 07-27-2010, 08:37 PM.

  • #2
    Well, I just discovered that I was wrong about something, so I need to update my previous post. I feel kind of stupid, but it's important to correct our mistakes.

    The problem isn't that Win7 won't start - it's that the output was being displayed via the wrong display port. Now the "blank screen" makes sense. It was just sitting there waiting for login on the TV, which was turned off. So the flaw in the process is that it starts the windows logo on one display and then blanks that screen and switches to the other display even if that display is off. This might be the fault of the Intel HD Graphics driver rather than Windows.

    Hope that clears things up. Bottom line: if you have multi-display or TV connected, turn everything ON during and after installing Win7 until Windows is fully configured.


    • #3
      or just make sure you have your monitor connected to the master DVI,

      like every other dude on the planet,

      do you realise that what your saying is multi monitor 101?

      as quoted from sean connery in 'The Rock'

      "personaly i think your a fukin idiot"


      • #4
        and megs

        1) My LCD monitor does not have DVI. VGA only.
        2) The HDMI port was connected to a TV that was turned off.
        3) Regardless, your rudeness and crudeness are a sad comment on yourself. Grow up, child. Even the most brilliant amongst us - and trust me that doesn't include you - have a brainfart now and then. There are few things more boring and immature than a poster writing exactly the kind of childish nonsense that you did.

        Next time, try being original and intelligent as you most likely imagine yourself to be, and act in a civil and mature way. Or are you 12?


        • #5
          what i dont understand is this, you post a problem that you think is your SSD, but find out that it is in fact your VGA connection woes, but then post it here as some magical solution that SSD owners might come across?

          so whats next Enstien?

          trolling around Memory Forums, telling them that your Memory is crap and not working to then posting the magical solution?

          you forgot to plug in your monitor?

          or maybe you think your CPU is fried so yout troll AMD Zone shouting how bad it is,

          then surprise surprise, you have another magical solution !!!!!

          you forgot to instal a graphics card?

          Ahhhh shucks, your are just one big barrel of genius

          again 'personaly i think your a fukin idiot' (in your best sean connery voice)

