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Cant upgrade from 1819 to 1916

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  • Cant upgrade from 1819 to 1916

    Im frustrated at the update process.

    1. The description for updating is not very good
    2. It should not be this difficult. Why must the update process involve losing all data????????

    So my experience thus far with my Falcon I 64gb SSD.

    When I first bought the SSD, 1819 had just been released. So I thought, might as well update firmware straight away. I tried and tried and kept getting errors. In the end, I installed a disk info program and found out it was already would have been nice if in the update description - the first thing you do is check what version you currently have!!! biggie - so now Im trying to update from 1819 to 1916 - SAME PROBLEMS!!

    Im hoping its something really simple I have missed as it doesnt seem like anyone else is having this problem.

    What I have done:
    1. Backed up everything important from SSD
    2. Took SSD out of my PC
    3. Plugged jumper onto SSD
    4. Bios set to IDE.

    Scenario 1
    Plugged SSD into another PC as slave using SATA cable
    SSD is found as barefoot etc
    Run Upgrade_ap program as administrator
    Select 64GB Samsung K9HCG
    Upgrade Failed. please choose the right parameter for your SSD.

    Scenario 2.
    Plugged SSD into cradle using eSata
    Even worse - upgrade ap doesnt find ssd

    Cradle using USB
    Same error as scenario 1.

    What am I doing wrong? Some files, something in bios?

  • #2
    you seem to be doing everything correctly...maybe try moving the SSD to a different SATA port


    • #3
      I think that if your SSD is connected as slave, the upgrade won't work...
      leave the SSD where it is, as a boot device and add a new HD to be able to do your backup/image and do the upgrade..

      Samsung ? I don't think you should see this anywhere when you upgrade. Should something like the picture in the upgrade thread.. never saw any samsung written in mine..

      OR just don't bother upgrading for now, it seem to be a futile exercise. Wait until we get more feedback from some brave souls.. so far, it point to a deceiving result.
      Last edited by sirius69; 03-06-2010, 09:13 AM. Reason: thought I'd upload a picture but seem like we can't, lame as usual.


      • #4
        hdtune for your FW always check it first. when i have had this problem i switch it to disk 0 and it works


        • #5
          Hi friends,

          I have nearly the same problem as auswill had described above in scenario 1. However, I did not get any "Upgrade Failed. please choose the right parameter for your SSD" message because the Upgrade_ap program does not find any SSD and I can't start or click the upgrade button.

          Like auswill I can see also "Samsung K9HCG" in my selection menu, on which sirius69 stated, we should not see this anywhere...?


          • #6
            well, maybe that new firmware see some type of samsung thing now. I haven't flashed mine yet with that new FW .We would need someone else to confirm. All, I know is that with the previous FW upgrade I never saw any samsung thing anywhere... Try running the application as an administrator if you use vista or win 7..... GSkill staff are not skilled enough to make a decent boot disk to upgrade the SSD without destroying everything
            Last edited by sirius69; 03-06-2010, 05:35 PM.


            • #7
              I tried different sata ports. Not sure how I keep it as boot drive though.

              Comes up as slave in bios no matter what. I have seen it as Disk 0 now and then during my trials....

              Nothing works. Could it be a faulty drive?

              I read you can update it with OCZ firmware - can anyone point me to how I can get my hands on that? At this point I dont really care if my drive dies. If it does Im gonna get an Intel SSD......Gskill.....never again.!


              • #8
       I found the OCZ 1.1 FW.....tried updating and also get a problem.

                But unlike the Gskill update - the black dos screen stays open so I hope this error helps.......

                SATA/SDRAM test gets to 100%
                Everthing else after that has a yellow ERROR after it

                In full yellow text - ERROR: bank configuration error (must be 00FF)
                last line - error at ..\host_mass_production.c 789

                Also - another thing I noticed......if I go into disk management - it always asks me to choose as mbr or guid - i choose mbr - and it always comes up as 128gb....even though its only 64gb drive
                Last edited by auswill; 03-06-2010, 04:02 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by auswill View Post
                  Scenario 1
                  Plugged SSD into another PC as slave using SATA cable
                  SSD is found as barefoot etc
                  Run Upgrade_ap program as administrator
                  Select 64GB Samsung K9HCG
                  Upgrade Failed. please choose the right parameter for your SSD.
                  it shouldn't be showing up as '64GB Samsung K9HCG' should be showing up as G.Skill Falcon 64GB SSD (and the part number) for all 3 Falcon capacity SSD's-- 64, 128 and then choose the correct SSD capacity from the drop down menu and click 'Upgrade'


                  • #10
                    it does show gskill 64gb etc but in brackets after Samsunf K9HCG,,,,can someone confirm this is right?
                    Last edited by auswill; 03-06-2010, 04:42 PM.


                    • #11
                      weird stuff : The( the Samsung K9HCG and the "Upgrade F/W"button stays gray) error seem to arise when we don't put the jumper properly and we try to upgrade ...

                      Now, when I make SURE that the pin is ON, it won't boot. Sata Native IDE, as it always was to begin with.

                      BOOTMGR is missing. So, no go for me... try multiple times, and for many times also the computer wasn't able to reboot at all after removing the pin and the SSD was seen as an unallocated 128gb thing.. ( I have a 64)

                      Scary stuff...Hit or miss... Nice job GSkill. Next time , could you make the frickin jumper/pin even smaller ? It never occurred to you that a switch might do the job ?
                      Last edited by sirius69; 03-06-2010, 05:41 PM.


                      • #12
                        Ive tried more tests and NOTHING works.

                        The drive works fine without the jumper in

                        Can someone please confirm the following:

                        When the jumper is on, I go into disk managment - it shows up as 128gb unallocated.
                        When I open up CrystalDiskInfo - it shows up as 137.4gb

                        Is this normal or is there something wrong with my drive?
                        If its faulty, can I get it repaired or replaced?


                        • #13
                          Auswill I have edited my previous post and I got the same 128gib thing happening too..
                          leave it like this, don't try anymore, your SSD must be ok, it's this lame FW upgrade tool that doesn't seem to like Windows 7. If we're lucky we should get an answer and some help from Gskill in a few weeks or more.

                          anyway Just wanted to mention that this happen on windows 7 64 bits...

                          maybe that this FW only work with XP or Vista I don't know.. My previous FW upgrade was done with Vista 64 and it worked fine.
                          Last edited by sirius69; 03-06-2010, 05:59 PM.


                          • #14
                            Hmmmmm.... Ill try on an XP machine if I can find one. All my pc and laptops are w7 now


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by auswill View Post
                              Can someone please confirm the following:

                              When the jumper is on, I go into disk managment - it shows up as 128gb unallocated.
                              When I open up CrystalDiskInfo - it shows up as 137.4gb
                              As soon as I set the jumper on my falcon, it's not bootable anymore and my windows7 device manager shows the "yatapdong barefoot-rom". This is how it should be, if I believe that uprade guide from Gskill here, so I don't see any unallocated 128GB.

                              Anyway, using the upgrade tool I still can see "Samsung K9HCG" in brackets, the uprade button stays grey and above no "yatapdong..." is indicated.

