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Issue with new build: memory error from motherboard.

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  • Issue with new build: memory error from motherboard.

    Hello, I recently ordered this kit from newegg:

    I am using it in my new HTPC build with this motherboard:

    And if it helps, I'm using this CPU:

    The RAM kit is DDR3 1333 1.5V, and the motherboard accepts DDR3 1333 1.2-1.8V.

    When I had the motherboard (with cpu/heatsink already installed) screwed into the case, I put the RAM in, and hit the power to test it. I got 3 short beeps from the PC speaker, then the computer shut itself off. I tried using just one stick on DIMM 1, then the other stick. It didn't work with either. Looking up my error messages from Intel's site ( ), they are telling me that 3 beeps then shut off means a memory error.

    I have used G. Skill in the past and hold your products in high regard, so it's hard to believe BOTH sticks could be bad. Is there something I'm missing here?

  • #2
    Do you have the latest BIOS? With 1 stick is it in slot 1 closest to CPU? Might ensure the mobo is properly installed on the offsets with all screws nice and snug....if no joy there, might want to pull the mobo set it on a non-conductive surface and try with 1 stick (slot 1), and the CPU/Fan (no HDs hooked up

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    • #3
      I'll be honest, this is only my 2nd build (the first being 3.5 years ago), so I'm not super experienced. About the BIOS I don't know. I bought in on Newegg last week, it came in today, and I put it together. As far as which slot yes it was the closest to the CPU, DIMM 1. All the screws are nice and tight on the motherboard to the case. Right now nothing is hooked into any SATA ports, nor is the GPU installed.


      • #4
        If the mobo is secure in the offsets and all the holes are used that can be to secure the mobo, might try a different stick if you have or can borrow one....then comes a biggie to check (i try and put it towards the last to check, pull the cpu and make sure no thermal compound (or anything else on bottom of CPU or in socket and that none of the pins in the socket are bent/broken

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        • #5
          I pulled the CPU. No bent pins that I can see, and it appeared to be seated correctly. Also I don't have any other DDR3 sticks, just 4 older DDR2 sticks. Would it make the 3 short beeps if it were a bad processor?


          • #6
            Well I just ordered two more sticks of DDR3 1333 for a build I'm doing for my brother. I guess I'll have a much better idea of what's going on in a few days. I also went ahead and got the mobo and cpu for that build as well, and a thing of cleaner/thermal paste.


            • #7
              Might take the few days, but should be able to try sticks in both and find if that's the problem, sorry we couldn't get more definitive here

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              • #8
                Ok, so I had my CPU/Mobo/RAM come in for another build I'm doing today, and I tried the RAM from the problem build. It worked fine.

                So that means it had to be either the mobo or CPU, right?

                Well anyway, I'm gonna clean the thermal paste off the CPU from the problem build when I get home from work, put some fresh paste on there, and try it with the problem RAM in the new mobo. That should just about finish my slow but steady process of elimination.

                Sometimes I wonder if my hobbies are worth the frustration, lol.

                Anyway, thanks for all the help here, and I'm glad to see it wasn't your product/s causing my problem. I'll be sure to mention the personal customer service I received here on my review on Newegg.


                • #9
                  I know what you mean aboout the frustration, been in systems just over 30 years, some of the early PCs were a real pain, be running 64K of RAM 1 chip per K, and 8 additional chips for parity checking .... gee which of the 72 is bad?????

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