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HELP with RipJaws (F3-12800CL10Q2-64GBZ) in an ASUS P9X79

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  • HELP with RipJaws (F3-12800CL10Q2-64GBZ) in an ASUS P9X79

    RipJaws (F3-12800CL10Q2-64GBZ)
    ASUS P9X79 DELUXE - BIOS 1203
    i7 3930K

    Hello - First post here. I will be thrilled if I could get my new setup stable for just normal use.

    Problems so far have always been a solid "lockup" / "Freeze" of the OS.
    I have set the bios to use the X.M.P. which helped alot. Also, manually set the VCCSA from Offset Mode to Manual & have it @ 1.2V. Still the OS will lock during normal usage. More pronounced since VMWare V8 got installed.

    Any and all comment is appreciated!

  • #2
    OK this is sort of messed up - I keep trying to go by other settings I have found here on the forum - getting confused now. Have been messing with this for a week - I know I should have registered and posted sooner. On my motherboard the XMP setting makes 64GB almost usable but still locks up.
    So I see one suggestion is to manually adjust the ram timing but when I look under AI Tweaker\DRAM Timing Control\ The timings are at 9 9 9 24 2.
    Is this really what they are? The XPM profile shows they are 10 10 10 30 -2N-1.5v. Maybe the "Auto" Turbo is chnging these on the fly? I am not trying to overclock - just need to use this computer without lockup.

    Another thread has settings but they are for a different board and I was trying to make sense out of those to no avail.


    • #3
      Do you have the latest BIOS, and have you enabled XMP or are you running the sticks under AUTO

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      • #4
        Hi thanks for the reply. Yes started with the latest BIOS. Currently using XMP setting. VCCSA @ 1.2


        • #5
          Your BIOS isn't setting things right if the timings under XMP are showing 9-9-9-24, sounds more like the AUTO setting for the mobo - if XMP is enabled and still showing 9-9-9, need to change to 10-10-10-30, 2T and may want to kick DRAM voltage to 1.55

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          • #6
            That was my question. If you look back, I am describing two separate areas within my bios that were confusing. I have that figured out now. My timings are set correctly.

            The DRAM Voltage was auto-set to 1.5v - adjusting it to 1.6 does not seem to help.

            Please note - this bios has about 5 ram-related-sounding settings for voltage. There are also settings for current.

            It is very confusing what settings exactly I should be trying to adjust - further assistance is needed.

            Any and all comment is appreciated!


            • #7
              VCCSA to 1.25 if that doesn't do it, can you post your advance timings, they be be off also

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              • #8
                Dear all!
                I have the same 64Gb kit, with same p9x79 pro mobo.after I installed my new kit,windows task manager show 60Gb from 64 only.would you tell me which settings I have to check in BIOS?I have a fresh bios update.thanks in advance.


                • #9
                  Sounds like one stick isn't fully seated

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                  • #10
                    I checked the connection, and it looks each stick seated well.but my bios show d2 stick status is abnormal.
                    than I changed d1 and d2 stick and now bios show d1 is abnormal(dram error).so dou you have ay idea?


                    • #11
                      Sounds like a bad stick, if within time frame, may want to exchange the set, else RMA

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                      • #12
                        Yes stil in time frame, I bought a week ago.I have to send back the whole kit, or just a bad stick?
                        What do you think I can send back the kit later ? I mean a few weeks later? Because now I can use 60Gb, and now I dont want to do without the the whole memory kit.Maybe a months later I can make a braek for weeks while the replacement procedure will take place.


                        • #13
                          That will will depend on your e/re-tailer or you can contact GSkill via RMA and see what you can work out with them

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                          • #14
                            This GSKILL 64GB RAM kit simply isn't working for me

                            This was quite a chunk of money - the bad reviews on NewEgg have manufacturer reps replying, stating that it can be made to work. Do I have to give a 1 Egg rating to make this ram work?

                            Does no one have base settings for this mobo / ram kit? Is there a more popular kit I can buy that is proven to work with KNOWN SETTINGS?

                            I realize that this can vary slightly from setup to setup even with the same hardware but it seems like there should be a known starting point.


                            • #15
                              Have you tried VCCSA 1.25 and CPU VTT 1.2, then stock timings 2T and stock DRAM voltage

                              Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


