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16GB on a M4A89GTD+Phenom II x4 C3 - What is the best choice?

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  • 16GB on a M4A89GTD+Phenom II x4 C3 - What is the best choice?

    I've already read the several topics and posts on similar questions (16GB, AMD, 1600CL9 vs 1333LC7, etc), but I still have some questions, given that my "consumer profile" is a bit different then most here:
    • I don't care about overclocking. For me, 1333CL7 or 1600CL9 is fine, and anything beyond 1600CL7 is overkill (and too pricey)

    • I live in Brazil, so heat/power is an issue. Room temp can easily be >30?, So *no way* I'm messing with voltages. It *must* be stable @ stock 1.5V

    • I do care a lot about longevity (both RAM and the CPU mem controller). Only go shopping in the US like once every 3-4 years.

    • I proudly use Linux 64bits, so Windows optimizations and drivers and tools are irrelevant

    My (relevant) system specs:
    • ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3 890GX Motherboard (4 slots, dual channel, max 16GB)

    • AMD Phenom II x4 955 BE (C3 stepping, better MC) CPU

    • Had 4GB (2 x 2GB) F3-12800CL7D-4GBRM running as advertised (1600, CL7, 1.6V). Then I added 4GB (2 x 2GB) F3-10666CL9D-4GBRL (yes, I was desperate), set the 4 of them to lowest denominator (1333, CL9, 1.5V), and, surprisingly, it's working perfectly stable for months.

    And now it's time to shop at newegg again, this time, for a 16GB kit. With GSKILL again, of course! And I want to separate facts from myth ans ask the real experts (you) what would the best choice for my box. Questions are:
    • Given same mem specs, is 4x4GB "more stressful" to the my CPU's C3 mem controller than 2x8GB? (note MB only accepts 16MB max, so if i go 2x8GB, the other 2 slots will be idle forever.) Is there any point to choose one over the other? (4x4 is way cheaper than 2x8)

    • Is it true that, as GSkills says on many newegg comments, that "AMD dual channel only accepts ONE dimm per channel"? So I must go 2x8GB?

    • Is it better to go CL7@1333 or CL9@1600? (my main question)

    • Why 1600CL9 is $10 cheaper than 1333CL7?

    • What happened to my gorgeous blue F3-12800CL7D series? Why there's no fair-priced 16GB counterpart of it?

    • Is there any benefit of the X/Z/Ares/Sniper series for an AMD user? For the exactly same specs (and usually price too) I have sometimes 4 series available. For AMD is there any difference besides heatsink aesthetics?

    Currently considering these:

    But also open to any other suggestions... As with any great company <=> satisfied customer relationship, you name it, *I buy it*. Simple as that!

    Best regards,
    Last edited by MestreLion; 05-08-2012, 11:45 AM. Reason: clarify that crazy 2x2GB 1600CL7 + 2x2GB 1333CL9 combo is *still* working fine

  • #2
    4x4 does add stress to the MC, but so do 8GB sticks (which AMD CPUs don't seem all that happy with. The big thing that needs to be taken into consideration is what your CPU can handle, many basically are limited to 1 stick per channel at stock speeds and require an OC and additional voltage to run 4 sticks. With a 955 you should be able to run 4x4GB at 1333 (maybe at 1600, but would require an OC and additional voltage to MC and DRAM. Don't think your mobo can take 8GB sticks, so I'd go with 4x4GB 1333, the CL7 set may be OK, but might have to drop to CL8 (or add voltage) or might go with something like the Snipers F3-12800CL9Q-16GBSR and try 1600, can always drop to 1333 CL8 and the Snipers are $7 less at the Egg and also faster so if you were to invest in a CPU upgrade would be better positioned with 1600 opposed to 1333 with the new CPU. The Snipers have been among my favorites since they came out for their all around versatility and ability to run with most everything I throw at them

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    • #3
      Thanks a lot for the fast reply, Tradesman! You answered most of my questions, but also raised some questions I'm curious about.

      - Being "limited to 1 stick per channel" means dual-channel will be disabled when I install 4 diimms?

      - Not sure if my mobo can or can not take 8GB modules (anyone?). Nor Manual neither QVL mention it, but 8GB modules didn't even exist back then.

      - If a 1600CL9 Sniper can run at 1333CL8 (but, I assume, not necessarily CL7), does that mean that a 1333CL7 can easily run at 1600CL9? If so, what is the point in Sniper over RJ 1333CL7?

      - With basically the same price as the Sniper (90~93), there are seix (!!!) series with (apparently) the exact same specs (all 1600CL9@1.5V): Regular RJ, X, Z, Ares Orange, Ares Blue and Sniper. Ok, Ares has low profile heatspreader, but why 2? And what's the difference between RJ/X/Z/Sniper?


      • #4
        Disclaimer: 5 minutes after posting this reply, GSkill answered my email inquiry! Wow, *fantastic* customer support! They told my mobo can not handle 8BG modules (any links or references to that?), so 4x4GB I go!

        They suggested the RJ 1333CL7, which seems a very sensible choice. So I'll honor the "you name it, I buy it" and go with these....

        But, still, I would love to see the other questions I raise in both posts answered.

        Last but not least: there's also 1.35V 1600CL9 Sniper for the same price. Any benefit on these, considering my mobo and AMD PII x4 C3 MC?


        • #5
          The one stick per channel normally applies to to what AMD considers the capabilities of the CPU at Stock conditions - since they say OCing voids the warranty...i.e. when the new FX CPUs came out they advertised them as able to run native 1866 DRAM (when actually the CPU can run native (4 sticks of 1333), so they abridged it to read 'can run up to 1866 at one stick per channel' (which is optimistic with the lower end FX CPUs)

          General rule of thumb is whatever is the mobo max (divide by slots to see highest capacity stick it will run i.e. here 16GB / 4 slots = 4GB sticks.

          My thought run that the CL7 might be a bit tight for the MC with 4 sticks and may have to take those to CL8 (8-8-8-24) or if go Snipers (the 1600s) can drop to CL8 from native 1600/CL9 (and possibly a slightly lower voltage, but at same time having better sticks for an upgrade or future build.

          RJ designed for 1156/1366 sockets, RJ X for 1155, RJ Z for 2011, Tridents 3rd Gen CPU 1155, Snipers are sort of all purpose

          1.35 would work but would prob need additional voltage as AMD aren't all that friendly to low voltage sticks

          Hope this helps, if not, yell again

          Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


