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Can I return this RAM for a new one?

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  • Can I return this RAM for a new one?

    I built a pc 2 months ago and recently I was getting BSODs. I found one of the sticks of RAM had errors after using memtest on it, so I took it out and everything is okay now.

    This is the RAM I bought:

    This is my motherboard:

    If there is a way to fix the errors on the RAM, that would be cool. I really need to use my 8GB of RAM, I am currently running on 4GB because the other stick is okay.

    I understand this RAM is not on the QVL list of the motherboard, but it worked good for 2 months then this just randomly happened one day.

    ~Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    They had some problems with this mobo, and just released a BIOS update a little over a week ago, may want to load it, then go into BIOS, enable XMP and select profile 1.......if problems persist try adding .05 to the DRAM voltage

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    • #3
      I used memtest86 on it. This only happened to one RAM stick. I was thinking these errors mean the RAM has problems, but are these errors because the RAM stick is defective or is it because the XMP, etc is not compatible. I never updated BIOS.


      • #4
        If your got errorss and the DRAM timings, voltage, etc were correct will want to either contact GSkill for RMA or go through your e-re-retailer if within the return time window. can contact Skill in Americas at or elsewhere

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        • #5
          Wait, so is this RAM's errors because of incompatibility? It said it had thousands of errors. The RAM's settings were never messed with and it worked perfectly for 2 months. one day it gave me BSODs, I tested it, and found it to give errors when i used memtest86. It looks to me that the RAM itself is defective, it doesn't seem to be some xmp or motherboard compatibility issue.

          thanks for the help


          • #6
            RMA info is in my previous post, and yes a stick could have gone bad, doesn't happen often, but one reason GSkill has a lifetime warranty.

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