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New here, looking for help. F3-17000CL11D

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  • New here, looking for help. F3-17000CL11D


    Looking for a bit of advice on how I can get this kit

    Model F3-17000CL11D-8GBXL

    to run on this motherboard

    z68x-ud7-B3 Rev. 1.0 running latest F10 Bios

    at the rated timings and speed. I'm not greedy and I'm not expecting crazy overclocking capabilities. I know the sticks are good, they worked in my old p8p67 pro board at the rated speeds all day long. I've tried them bone stock, upped the voltage one notch at a time all the way up to 1.65v and no joy. I have also incrementally adjusted my vtt up to about 1.22. Is this a known issue ? Any help is greatly appreciated.

    edit : XMP does not work. defaults back to 1600mhz every time I try to use it.
    Last edited by danielwiley; 03-14-2012, 08:40 AM.

  • #2
    Could be the BIOS, latest is F10, 2/20/12, can be found here:

    Try this and then enable XMP, select profile 1 and see how it does

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      I'm on F10 and xmp defaults me back to 1600. All timings voltages double checked and are correct. The board is on the qvl.


      • #4
        Sorry missed you had the latest BIOS (generally that's the first thing I ask, my fault), could try manually setting the sticks up with base timings of 11-11-11-30, 2T or 2N depending on designator, 1.6 and VCCIO at 1.12 or so

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          Did that too. Selected manual speeds/timings. 11-11-11-30-2t. Started at stock voltage and vtt and upped each incrementally one notch at a time all the way to 1.65v and 1.20 vtt.


          • #6
            It runs great at 9-10-9-28 1t @ 1866 1.5v.


            • #7
              Not sure what CPU, but 2133 does require an OC, if you have a K model step it up about 4 in the multiplier

              Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



              • #8
                CPU is 2600k running a modest 4.3 HT enabled @ 1.32v. Fully stable p95 24 hours tested. I feel its got to be a compatibility issue. I've taken all the proper trouble shooting steps. There's another user over on with the same board, RAM, BIOS etc and he is stuck as well. Thanks for your responses so far. Any way to check and see if this has been reported before ?



                • #9
                  Will see if GSkill can check into it, are you in slots 1-3, if so have you tried 2-4? Migh also pull the CPU and check for bent pins or anything in the socket, or if any thermal compound seeped in or to bottom of CPU. Hoping GSkill will be in Thur, if not the above am leaning to a mobo/BIOS problem since XMP is going to the 1600 default

                  Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                  • #10
                    The socket and paste are fine. I haven't swapped slots around though, that's a good idea. Not a huge deal of course, real world performance difference is minimal. Being a competitive folder though, it does hinder my smp folding a bit. These sticks rock too, had em at 2250 with ease on my old asus board. I'll swap slots tomorrow and we'll see where we stand. Great support, keep up the good work. You guys have always been great and will remain my #1 RAM source regardless.


                    • #11
                      Well, let me know, I'm not GSkill, but am around a lot whenever in my shop and often when in the field if the nets available to me. Used to be 1-3 were considered primary slots and more often these days 2-4 are (from the big CPU HSs, and in some mobos I've run into some of the same model where 1-3 is basically the better performing or prime while on others 2-4 is/are

                      Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                      • #12
                        Test one module at a time with the rated specifications. VCCIO does not need to be increased.

                        Let me know the results.

                        Thank you
                        GSKILL TECH

