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Ripjaws X DDR3 1600 PC3-12800 8GB 2x4GB CL8 Command Rate

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  • Ripjaws X DDR3 1600 PC3-12800 8GB 2x4GB CL8 Command Rate

    I have install this kit just a week ago and for about 3 days been working very fine at 8-8-8-24 IT. My MB is an Asus P8Z68 V-Pro/Gen3, ( OC at 4.5 ghz) in a new pc. One day in my first boot in the morning I get this message " Read disk error" and Win d,ont load. Anyway, I been getting the same error every day in my first boot only. After a lot of testing with other ram sticks etc etc I change de command rate in the bios from 1T to 2T, and bingo!! all is working fine again like the first day. I want to know if it is something I can do to keep 1T stable or I better forget and I follow with the 2T settings. VDRAM is set at 1.50 V and the VCCIO is set at 1.060.

  • #2
    At 1T can try with either VCCIO at about 1.08 - 1.09 or try raising DRAM voltage to around 1.53

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    • #3
      Ok, I will try and see if it works..


      • #4
        let us know how it goes

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          BTW, I must to change both voltages at the same time??


          • #6
            Think either one should work, prob don't need both - try the DRAM voltage first, if no joy, then try the VCCIO

            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              I understand. ok all


              • #8
                Let us know how it goes

                Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                • #9
                  With VDRAM at 1.53 this morning the pc come ON with any problems, it boot well. Thanks for all


                  • #10
                    any noticeable difference between 2t and 1t ?


                    • #11
                      To be honest, NO


                      • #12
                        If you run a program like MaxxMem or something like that tou can see the differences in read/write speeds as DRAM will run faster at 1T then 2T (less clock cycles), as far as 'seeing' it, sort of depends on the user and what they do, memory intensive things may actually 'show' up as faster

                        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                        • #13
                          One strange issue I detect after some time to use this RAM on 1T.. I get an advice concerning an USB 3.0 HUB. advice !! The win7 advice says aprox. that: a USB device have exceed hes capacity or something like this.... Very strange, I have never see that before. If I back to 2T all is back to normal. With any doubt it,s a clear relation between the 2T setting and this strange USB advices.


                          • #14
                            Haven't really run into that before in relation to DRAM, but might check for an upgrades USB driver for the mobo

                            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                            • #15
                              USB drivers are the last. BTW I have set VDRAM to 1.538 v. I hope this voltage is safe, and I back to 1T.. will see what happens, The vccio is still set at 1.062, same as before.

