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Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 Planning

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  • Gigabyte GA-990FXA-UD3 Planning

    Hi everyone. I want to upgrade a bit my pc. I want to upgrade my motherboard and my mems (ddr2) to a new MB with DD3 mems. I have an AMD Athlon II x4 640 Processor wich supports PC3-10600 (1333) mems.

    I don't want to upgrade my CPU yet, I would upgrade it in about ten months, or maybe a year. And then I can upgrade to a FX processor (maybe a "Vishera" processor, future succesor of "Zambezi"). I'm from argentina and here you can upgrade to a new technology a few months later, because his high price.

    I'm thinking in a 1600 mem (underclock to 1333) or maybe a 1866 mem (I don't know if I can underclock to 1333). I think in 1866 because my future upgrade of CPU can take advantage of that, but I don't know, I'm not an expert in memory election.

    What memory can you recomend me? (model, frequency, and timings). I have a budget of 45-60 U$S

    I use my pc for gaming (not very extreme) and I don't usually overclock my hardware. I'm searching for a good price/performance ratio.

    p.s: I you have some great article or some docs to read about ram choosing, clocking or tweeking I'm happy to read it.

    p.s2: I'm looking for an 8GB kit

    Best Regards!
    Last edited by Azagthot; 02-14-2012, 08:09 AM.

  • #2
    I'd look to 1866 at a CL9, you should be able to run them at 1333/CL7 for now, then full 1866 when you upgrade the CPU. Maybe something like the Snipers F3-14900CL9D-8GBSR or Ripjaws X model F3-14900CL9D-8GBXL both of which sell for $60 (not sure what they would be in Argentina...

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    • #3
      Hi again!, thanks for the quick answer.

      Ok, I have 3 questions.

      1. What are the differences between "Sniper" and "Ripjaws x" at 1866?. Both have 9-10-9-28 timings and both costs $60

      2. If I underclock a 1866 mem to 1333 and tune the timings, the performance will be the same compare with this memory at the original frequency and timings (in a system that supports that, i.e when I change my CPU) Or, the performance at 1866 will be greater?.

      3. If I buy a 1600 mem and in the future upgrade my CPU, that mem will performs better or worse than the 1866 mem that you recommend me?

      Sorry if my english it's a bit creepy hehe.

      P.s. In Argentina I can buy "Sniper F3-14900CL9D-8GBSR" for $110 and now I don't find the Ripjaws X, but should be at same price.

      Best Regards


      • #4
        Different memory chips and SPD programming, the Ripjaws X have a design aimed at the 1155 P67/Z68/H67 chipset, but work well across the board with Intel and AMD....the Snipers have become my all around favorites for their versatility among platforms and ability to OC and even underclock and do so with tight timings

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        • #5
          Finally, I bought the Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3 Motherboard and G.Skill F3-14900CL9D-8GBSR [Sniper, 1866, 8GB (4GBx2)].

          I installed my old CPU (Athlon II X4 640) and my new mems and turn on my pc. All is set to auto in my BIOS and my mems are running at 1333 and 9-9-9-24 timings (I think).

          I want to now what steps I need to do to improve my mems performance running at 1333 with tight timings. I thinking in 1333/CL8 or 1333/CL7.

          I remember to you my specs:

          Motherboard: Gigabyte 990FXA-UD3
          CPU: Athlon II X4 640 3.00GHz (Supports 1333 memory)
          SO: Windows XP


          P.S: I have memtest86+ in a boot cd
          P.S2: If you want, I can make this request for help in a new Thread


          • #6
            Might start at 7-7-7-24 and may well be able to tighten it up a little more

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            • #7
              I need to set DRAM voltage to 1.5V?

              I need to boost CPU-NB Voltage?



              • #8
                Dram voltage is fine at 1.5 (can actually prob drop it a little say maybe 1.45), might just leave CPU/NB on AUTO to start, if any prob take it up + .05 initially

                Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                • #9
                  I could get 6-7-6-24 timings with:

                  DRAM freq: AUTO
                  DRAM voltage: AUTO (1.5V)
                  CPU/NB Voltage: AUTO (1.1V)

                  With 6-6-6-24 timing the POST made some beep error sound.

                  I test my new configuration with memtest86+ and is OK. I benchmarked the mems (AIDA64) with 9-9-9-24 and 6-7-6-24 timings, this are the results:

                  Memory Read: 8524MB/s -> 8888 MB/s = 4.2%~
                  Memory Write: No change
                  Memory Copy: 10139 MB/s -> 10270 MB/s = 1.3%~
                  Latency: 52.9ns -> 49ns = 7.3%~

                  This is the actual limit of my mem tuning?, or I can boost a bit more the performance?

                  I attach you a capture of my BIOS settings, there is so many settings that I don't know how to set, i.e "1T/2T command timing", "Write Recovery time", etc..



                  • #10
                    Can try taking up the freq at 1600, may need looser i.e. 8-9-8-24 or so...or try tighter at 7-8-7-24....would suggest keeping track of current settings, for fall back then take it up a little at a time, could even ease up to 1466 or so and then from there. Shout whenever you need any help, I'll be in the field Fri during late morning till mid/late PM, but will have a few systems going late fri afternoon through most all of the weekend, and I try to check in fairly often.

                    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                    • #11
                      I really want to say thank you for the great help!.

                      I will try that tips

                      If I boost the mem frequency I need to overclock my CPU right?



                      • #12
                        Just take it up slowly and then OC if and when needed

                        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Azagthot View Post
                          I really want to say thank you for the great help!.

                          I will try that tips

                          If I boost the mem frequency I need to overclock my CPU right?

                          Yes, that is a locked CPU, so you have to find the usable OC settings for both CPU and memory at the same time. Not so easy, but easy to make unstable.

                          Thank you
                          GSKILL TECH

