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M4N98TD EVO Ram suggestions?

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  • M4N98TD EVO Ram suggestions?

    I currently have ASUS m4n98td evo board, with 955 be C3 revision and Gskill F3-12800CL7D-4GBRM, my first set of mem was a 2x2 ddr3 1333mhz Corsair, but this is my first set of Gskill and LOVE it. My question is does anyone know of a better set of Gskill that will give me 8gigs and allow me to hit 2000mhz as the board is capable of it and so far all I can achive is 1820-1870mhz with a 8-9-8-24-40 1T and would like to get higher, but at the moment I'm outta ideas I'm sitting at 2800 nb and 1.66 volts on the mem with 1.32 on the cpu/nb for the mc. Any suggestions from the guru's at skill would be great help and I hope to achive some great speeds out of either the mem I have or the mem I will buy soon, and I also just found out tht this mem is designed for the P55 setups

    Thanks for any help that can be given
    Last edited by smoket4279`; 12-20-2011, 10:37 PM.

  • #2
    hi, i own the same board quit a time now and i am totally amused by this compitalibility.

    i also heard about 2000mhz working on this board. is the 955 blackseries also, because mine 965 is blacksereies and it makes everything easier, for sure.

    itd worth finding out if the 2000mhz do it even higher than 1600, speed increases very large in this high frequences...


    • #3
      Hitting the 1866 range with a 955 is very good! With two sticks it may be possible to hit 2000 with either of those CPUs but don't think I'd want that much heat in there, would take very high voltages on DRAM and CPU/NB and a very high OC on the CPU, NB Freq and HT freq

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      • #4
        Thanks Tman and Got skill yea the 955 is a "black edition" and yea I have had the mem post as high as 1950 but not very stable and I have had the cpu O/c'd to 4.7 (4.5 benching) with the ram at 1850 but my nb will not post at anything above 2800mhz but if anyone has any ideas for timing or anything let me know I would be glad to get help as this is the second system I have built and I'm hooked on Overclocking


        • #5
          Can try adding voltage, but imagine it's already close to egg cooking temps (I'll take mine fried)

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          • #6
            lol I would prefer not to fry mine but yea all voltages are already in the yellow zone when I do the harder o/c and yea the 4.7/4.5 runs I made a "slush box" for my H50 and got the temps down to 14-16C for the benchings


            • #7
              The H50 is a good one, even still, running suicide shots can be dicey, remeber blowing a couple ASUS Strikers about 3 years back, put a pinch in the pocket

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              • #8
                Yea I'm gonna move on to a crosshair 5 before I do anymore hard o/c with this chip and the temps here are starting to get down in the 30's Farenheit range so Im gonna use the h50 as a intake in a window late at night to get some more high o/c, when I get the board and Maybe some new ram soon I will be able to hit some higher marks, havent blown anything up yet, but plan on doin some suicide runs sometime in the next year and if I'm lucky with some Dice


                • #9
                  Have fun, check in and let us know how it goes

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