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BSOD Issues, Looking for help

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  • BSOD Issues, Looking for help

    Hey all, figured I would see if anyone could help out on this one. Basically at random times with random things going on (gaming, nothing, browsing web, desktop) my computer will blue screen (2-5 times a week). I built the computer in November, parts list is below:

    OS: Windows 7 x64 Ultimate (Windows Completely Up to Date)
    Case: Lian Li PC-9F (Mid-Tower)
    Mobo: ASRock Z68 Extreme4 Gen3
    CPU: Intel i7 2600k Sandy Bridge
    GPU: EVGA SuperClocked 015-P3-1582-AR GeForce GTX 580 (Fermi) 1536MB 384-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16
    RAM: 16GB Ripjaw X Series DDR3 1866 (F3-14900CL9Q-16GBXL)
    PSU: SeaSonic X Series X-850
    HD1 (Windows): 128GB Crucial M4 SSD SATA III
    HD2 (Installs): 500GB Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM SATA II
    HD3 (Files): 2TB WD Cavier Black 7200RPM SATA II

    Nothing is overclocked, although as a test for the BSOD, I have increased my VTT Voltage to 1.129 (it was defaulted to 1.05). My RAM is set to Auto in BIOS (but verified all timings were match to the RAM spec). I am using my RAM's profile of 1866 (however tested and got a BSOD when at 1333).

    Things I have done to test what could be going on:

    Ran memtest86+ (came back 100% after 7 hours (4/5 passes I think))
    Under clocked my 1866 RAM down to 1333 (EVGA recommended as a test), still BSOD so reverted back
    Ran memtestG (came back 100% ok after re-seating my graphic card)
    Re-installed nVidia drivers (used Driver Sweeper in Safe Mode to clear out first)
    Ran various graphic card benchmarks (no issues) (OCScanner, FurMark)
    Ran Intel Burn Test on Max for 10 iterations with no failure (couple hours)
    Ran HDTuner on my SSD, no issues
    Ran Driver Verifier, got a different BSOD once (currently in my 24-48 hour test) though.

    I guess I am not really sure how to read my minidump properly to be able to debug it, hoping someone on here could point me in a direction. I am assuming this is something driver related, I am just not sure unfortunately.

    Since I am not sure how to upload my dumpfiles here, below is a link to my thread over at

    Post #4 has my newest dump file.

    Any help would be appreciated on how I can properly make sure my RAM is not the cause, or if it is to start an RMA, I just don't want to waste the time of G.Skill if it is not.
    Last edited by thrashmagazine; 12-14-2011, 08:47 AM.

  • #2
    Do you have the latest BIOS? Also, how are temps? You say RAM is set to AUTO, have you tried with XMP enabled and the 1866 profile selected?

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
      Do you have the latest BIOS? Also, how are temps? You say RAM is set to AUTO, have you tried with XMP enabled and the 1866 profile selected?
      Sorry, should have been more clear with "auto."

      1. My BIOS is on the latest set (minus the beta version I could use but don't want to go beta (1.10)).
      - Also, all my drivers are at the latest provided by my motherboard (download link here: Gen3&o=Win764)
      2. Temps have no issues (as far as I can tell). Running Intel Burn Test at Max I only got too 100F max.
      3. I am using the XMP profile, everything else is set to Auto since it is profiled correctly I didn't manually change it, latency/voltage that is.


      • #4
        On the DRAM, did you run Memtest on each stick individually (testing as a set dowsn't always work well), if so would be thinking more of possibly PSU or corrupt OS rather than DRAM....if you could try other sticks if you have or could borrow some, could help isolate the problem as well as trying a different PSU..

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
          On the DRAM, did you run Memtest on each stick individually (testing as a set dowsn't always work well), if so would be thinking more of possibly PSU or corrupt OS rather than DRAM....if you could try other sticks if you have or could borrow some, could help isolate the problem as well as trying a different PSU..
          I can try each one individually, will take a few days since I have 4 and the tests take an entire night.

          Is their a way to test the PSU? As far as I know it should be fine (obvious signs are good (no votage spikes, stuff like that).

          If memtest doesn't catch it, I will then need to test each individual stick for a couple days to see if I still BSOD as well.

          Any quicker tests up your sleeves?


          • #6
            Do you have any of the BSOD errors written down?

            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
              Do you have any of the BSOD errors written down?
              I linked to my minidump files in the first post, but I am receiving 0000d1 error codes.


              • #8
                You don't necessarily have to run memtest overnight on each kit, just make sure the settings are configured properly for one module, then go through each one to see if one performs differently. You can even use a stress test like Prime95. If there is a problem, it will be obvious quickly.

                Thank you
                GSKILL TECH

