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F3-10666cl9d-8gbrl & gigabyte ga-z68x bsod

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  • F3-10666cl9d-8gbrl & gigabyte ga-z68x bsod

    I recently built my computer about 3 months ago. Everything runs fine, but my computer would randomly crash to BSOD telling me of a physical memory dump. It doesn't happen all the time, but it happens quite frequently. Like maybe once or twice every week or 2? Is my RAM faulty? I have the G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1333MHZ and my motherboard is a GIGABYTE GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3. Below is info from Windows 7:

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
    OS Version: 6.1.7600.
    Locale ID: 1033

    Additional information about the problem:
    BCCode: 109
    BCP1: A3A039D89E0F16DB
    BCP2: B3B7465EF08BE8D1
    BCP3: FFFFF80003010984
    BCP4: 0000000000000001
    OS Version: 6_1_7600
    Service Pack: 0_0
    Product: 256_1

    Files that help describe the problem:

    I tried running memtest and no errors popped up and I also ran CCleaner, which was successful too. Any ideas? Should I RMA?

  • #2
    First did you check the mobo site for updated BIOS and mobo drivers? Is the DRAM set up correctly to the proper timings and voltage? Also, was memtest run on each separately? BCCode: 109 is usually indicative of a hardware or driver problem, another way to check the DRAM would be to see if you can use or borrow other sticks and try them in your rig and/or try your sticks in a different rig.

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    • #3
      Updating the mobo drivers was one of the first things I did. I checked the bios settings and the voltage is at 1.5, but I do not see the timings (unless I'm blind). What do you mean by running memtest separately?


      • #4
        You'll want to run Memtest on each stick by itself

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