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ASUS M4A89GTD with F3-10666CL7D-8GBRH

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  • ASUS M4A89GTD with F3-10666CL7D-8GBRH


    I have a strange problem with the ASUS M4A89GTD + F3-10666CL7D-8GBRH combination.
    The motherboard is older with an AMD 1090T no OC and I upgraded last week to 8GB. Upgrade went ok and tested ok for a day (hours of memtest) RAM Voltage 1.5250 V.
    Then I got serious problems and quickly the system would'nt get into bios. After testing quite some things I tried with just one memorystick and all was ok, also on the 7-7-7-21-2T timings.
    Swapping the memory didn't make a difference --> no manifest defect RAM module.

    A few hours later I was able to add the second memory module again and everything went ok for more than 24h, including hours of memtest (4 instances at the same time).

    Then while doing modest work my screen(s) went black and the pc could restart again. doing some test --> worked ok with one memory module.

    After an evening on one module I now added 0.02 V to the CPU/NB and reinstalled the second module to run and it passed boot and runs now for 15-30 minutes.

    Is there something I should test or check, I find this very strange. I do expect the problems to come back.

  • #2
    You can test the sticks with Memtest, but have a feeling your mobo not happy with the CL7...things you can do/check...make sure you have the latest BIOS, add another .02 to the CPU/NB to help out the MC (Memory Controller), possibly move the DRAM up to 1.55 voltage or drop timings to 8-7-7-21 (preferably last option)

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
      You can test the sticks with Memtest, but have a feeling your mobo not happy with the CL7...things you can do/check...make sure you have the latest BIOS, add another .02 to the CPU/NB to help out the MC (Memory Controller), possibly move the DRAM up to 1.55 voltage or drop timings to 8-7-7-21 (preferably last option)

      I have the latest BIOS, added a little bit on the CPU/NB and DRAM voltage and set the timings to 8-7-7-21.
      Is there a way to test it faster or is it just waiting to the following problem?


      • #4
        Could run a stress test like Prime95, something like that...if it passes Prime should be primo.

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
          Could run a stress test like Prime95, something like that...if it passes Prime should be primo.
          Prime95 gave an immediate crash with the two modules inside the pc. With one module it ran for 16 minutes without a problem, then I tried to install the second module again (after shutdown off course).

          Installing the second module doesn't work, the pc doesn't boot into bios. The red led keeps burning. This was with CPU/NB : + 0.034V and DRAM Voltage 1.543 and settings 8-7-7-21-2T.

          When I boot again with one module it goes to bios, but the readings are lower "default?" readings then the filled in values. saving the bios solved that. Now running win7 with one module.

          Any suggestions?


          • #6
            I did some more tests :

            It seems that a single memory module inside the first two slots doesn't work, but the same module works in the slots 3&4.

            I then set the fastest timings and back to the normal voltages and ran prime95 for 3 hours without a problem with one memory module.

            Is it possible that there's a bios setting that's blocking the uses of slots 1&2?
            Any other thoughs?



            • #7
              More than likely a bad slot or possible something with the MC (Memory Controller), could ensure sticks are firmly seated (there's been a rash of overly tight DIMM sockets, where the sticks don't fully seat, could check CPU and socket for thermal compound that may have seeped in, and/or bent pins. If you have or can borrow other sticks and try them.

              Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



              • #8
                It's getting stranger by the day

                I was able to use the two modules again on 7-7-7-21-2T and ran prime95 for two hours.

                After I exited prime95 it and watch the temperatures go down for about 1 minute the computer crashed.

                After a reboot it crashed again after a few minutes...


                • #9
                  Have you tried slots 3 and 4?

                  The memory should work by just setting the DRAM frequency, timings, and voltage.

                  Thank you
                  GSKILL TECH


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by GSKILL TECH View Post
                    Have you tried slots 3 and 4?

                    The memory should work by just setting the DRAM frequency, timings, and voltage.

                    Thank you
                    GSKILL TECH
                    I tried (putting the two in 3 &4 =1channel) it in the past and then it didn't work. But I have some very strange things going on.

                    I noticed good behaviour in a situation for hours and later I wasn't able to boot to POST.


                    • #11
                      Sorry, I meant 2 and 4. The black slots should be the initial slots.

                      If you continue to have a problem, feel free to send them in for RMA to see if a new kit works better.

                      Thank you
                      GSKILL TECH

