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  • F3-12800cl9q-16gbrl

    I am currently running GSKILL memory 8Gigs. My Mother Board is an Asus M4A785TD-V EVO. I purchased F3-12800CL9Q-16GBRL. I am currently running my memoery at 1333 8-8-8-21.
    My question is I do not see my Mobo listed under boards to use this memoery. I read a review where someone with this board is running the memory at 9-9-9-24-2N.

    Can I try to run this in my current Machine?

    I can try it to see if it works? I am going to build a new system and can use the memory in it.
    I would have to install it in my current system to test. If I can not do that, I will have to send it back for a refund. Until I purchase new MoBo and Hardware?

  • #2
    Right now your settings are good, it is better than 9-9-9-24.

    9-9-9-24 is for DDR3-1600. If you want to set it up, follow this guide Method #2

    The memory is very good for that motherboard.

    Thank you


    • #3
      Thank You for the quick reply. I figured I can use it. Just wanted to make sure. I know my current memory set at 8-8-8-21 is a better setting. Wish I could run the new memory with it. Can not have everything, 9-9-9-24 is fine with 16 gigs.
      Thanks Again


      • #4
        I apologize for another reply. I should of asked on first reply. I would rather run the memory at 1333 8-8-8-21. It says in the link you sent me. These are good settings to run tests on the memory. I take it , I can leave then at 1333 and have no problems ? I have a Phenom 11 6 core Black Edition 3.2. Currently overclocked to 3.8. Has been running great for almost 2 years next month.
        Thanks in advance


        • #5
          Should be able to run 8-8-8-?? at 1333, may be closer to 23 than 21

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          • #6
            Thanks for the reply Tradesman. I am running it at 1333 8-8-8-21. It is running fine. I will probably try 1600 in a day or two. I should have no problem I hope.
            Isn't it better to run 8-8-8-21 than 8-8-8-23?


            • #7

              Windows Experience Index rates memory 7.6 same as memory I replaced. My graphics and Gaming Graphics went up from 7.1 to 7.3. I have not refreshed it until now, but have not updated graphics card either.
              Would the memory effect this?


              • #8
                Memory can affect graphics since most all graphics cards will borrow and use some of the DRAM, as far as memory ratings in WEI, they (as with WEI itself) are pretty useless as a tool to measure performance, better off with a synthetic benchmark, maybe like PassMark. WEI doesn't really gauge perforformance so much as look at a data base of ratings based on the hardware involved. i.e. if you only have one stick of DRAM 1 or 2 GB regardless of speed it will more then likely rate the same whether it be a 1333 stick or a 2133 stick...take a stock 2500K at 3.3 or 4.0 and same/same

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                • #9
                  Today I set the memory from 1333 to 1600. The Asus board I have is 2 years old and supposedly only sets memory to 1333.
                  I ran some torture tests and all is well.
                  Thank You for the link you gave me from my first post.


                  • #10
                    Glad to hear it, Enjoy!

                    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


