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F3-16000CL9D-4GBRM (2Gx2) on M5A88-V EVO

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  • F3-16000CL9D-4GBRM (2Gx2) on M5A88-V EVO

    Hi, i just bought [ Ripjaws ] F3-16000CL9D-4GBRM (2Gx2) and i cant set it to 2000 mhz.
    I have the following motherboard: M5A88-V EVO with a phenom II X4 965 Black Edition.
    I saw in other topics that for amd users maybe require manual setting. I want to know the exactly manual setting that i have to set for use F3-16000CL9D-4GBRM at 2000 mhz.

  • #2
    Anything better than DDR3-1333 CL9 requires manual settings.

    For DDR3-2000,

    CPU Host Frequency needs to be 250
    DRAM Frequency DDR3-2000
    CPU-NB Frequency 3000MHz

    DRAM Voltage 1.60V
    CPU-NB Voltage 1.30V

    DRAM timings tCL 9 - tRCD 10 - tRP 9 - tRAS 28
    Command Rate 2T

    F10, save and exit

    Let me know how that works.

    Thank you


    • #3
      I set all like you said and cpu ratio at 13.5 (wich make 3375 mhz, little less than real micro speed [3.4 mhz]) but system didnt boot. Any other thing or new setting?
      thanks for ur help and sorry for my english.


      • #4
        It can be difficult to reach DDR3-2000.

        Try this, then try to move up:

        CPU Host Frequency needs to be 233
        DRAM Frequency DDR3-1864
        CPU-NB Frequency 2796MHz

        DRAM Voltage 1.55V
        CPU-NB Voltage 1.20V

        DRAM timings tCL 9 - tRCD 10 - tRP 9 - tRAS 28
        Command Rate 2T

        F10, save and exit

        Thank you


        • #5
          with this settings the system boot but only have 2 gb of ram usable (from 4 gb) and micro is at 3.0. In adittion the system was a little unstable (CCC close alone, my antivirus too).
          Wich i have to change?

          *** I check with aida64 and memory write and read was faster with this config than before but less memory avalable i dont know why...



          • #6
            Ensure the sticks are seated sell, then can try raising the the CPU/NB voltage which runs the MC (Memory Controller) and/or the DRAM voltage....If it still shows 4 but only 2 useable, try resetting the CMOS and then set it all up again.....generally the main cause of 'seeing' the DRAM but only having half available is often a bent or broken pin on the CPU or in the socket....or....can be caused by some of the thermal compound seeping under the CPU/into the socket....which is a pain to check but pops up a fair number of times.

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            • #7
              Try DRAM Voltage 1.60V to see if that helps.

              Thank you
              GSKILL TECH

