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F3-12800CL8D-8GBXM at 1333 7-7-7-22 1T?

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  • F3-12800CL8D-8GBXM at 1333 7-7-7-22 1T?


    I just bought a 8 GB kit of the F3-12800CL8D-8GBXM and I am not currently interested in overclocking anything. I know with my AMD Phenom X4 965BE that I need to overclock to hit 1600mhz, but my question is whether or not I need overclock any of the values to get 1333mhz 7-7-7-22 1T?

    My mobo is a Asus M4A87T. My goal is to set the timing manually and leave the all the voltages alone if possible.


    The listed specs on my ram are 8-8-8-24 2T (or N not sure)..
    Last edited by jxp8181; 10-07-2011, 12:08 PM. Reason: Forgot the original ram specs

  • #2
    No, just set the DRAM frequency, timings, and voltage in BIOS.

    Thank you


    • #3
      Ok those settings are working great. Thanks for the assistance!


      • #4
        No problem, Enjoy!

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        • #5
          Slightly lowered timings

          Hey I'm attempting timings of 7-8-7-24 on my F3-12800CL8D-8GBXM set of RIPJAWS

          Current frequency set at 1450, so lower than stock 1600 but not that much lower.

          In order to stabilize my ram running at stock 8-8-8-24 1t, I had to bump the voltage to 1.65.

          When I change it to 7-8-7-24 and run it through memtest, it crashes after two successful passes (like an hr and a half in). Most people say 1pass is fine, is this ok? Can I raise the voltage higher?



          • #6
            I'd try raising the CPU/NB voltage a bit rather than the DRAM, 1.65 is pushing it a bit as is

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            • #7
              Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
              I'd try raising the CPU/NB voltage a bit rather than the DRAM, 1.65 is pushing it a bit as is
              Yeah, it seems a little weird that I even need to run 1.63-1. 65v to get under clocked 1450 8-8-8-24 running anyway.

              Keep in mind my mobo defaults at 1.6v anyway.. At least when I pull it off auto that's the first value that pops up.

              Cpu nb at 1.3


              • #8
                Do you have the latest BIOS?

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                • #9
                  Yeah my motherboard has been updated to the latest bios version, I'm going to try reducing the dram voltage and kick up the cpunb voltage (the nb is overclocked quite a bit) and see if I can get them to run stable.

                  The ram should be good running at 1.65v?

                  Also, how many passes of memtest would you recommend for it to be considered stable? I keep hearing between 2-3 times should be sufficient (around 3 hrs of testing).


                  • #10
                    Even running the entire thing can't guarantee the DRAM is 100% good, but I'll normally run up to 5 passes, though generally I just run the system maybe have someone play a few games, run Prime on it for a bit, if it stays stable through that, generally consider it good to go

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