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4GBx2 kit and 2GBx2 kit (1 each) mixed with 2x1GB stock on a dell vostro system

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  • 4GBx2 kit and 2GBx2 kit (1 each) mixed with 2x1GB stock on a dell vostro system


    I have a 4GBx2 kit and 2GBx2 kit (your RIPjaws) and stock 1GBx2 dell Ram. The difference however is that your RAM had a 10660 speed whereas the dell had 10600.

    I mixed them interchangeably, and with the stock 1GBx2 added one 4GB and a 2GB stick in the remaining motherboard slots. Does using one each of the 2 quantity kits together with the stock dell RAM create any sort of issue? I was aware that as long as they had the same timings 9-9-9-24 the clock speed wouldn?t matter.

    My computer stopped powering on and the light next to the RAM slots is now a steady yellow. So I wanted to narrow down the issue and see if you could assist. I purchased these new RIPJAWS ram for use with my DDR3 Vostro 460 computers (which were also brand new) and had this recent problem. Any lead would be great.

    Thanks for the great support.

  • #2
    Responded to your email, so I will let someone else respond here.

    Thank you


    • #3
      i wasn't aware mixing and matching was a sin..

      he did, thank you for the reply. i'm still not sure why mixing and matching as long as they have the same timings would create any sort of issue. we had 2 stock 1GB sticks and wanted to add another 6GB.. is that so hard to do?

      i mean maybe we will have some loss of optimal performance of a 'dual-system' RAM but we don't need it for fast gaming just for business use.


      • #4
        A number of things can cause problems, typically in a case like this the different chips may be running on the same base timings, but advanced timings are more than likely different from the fact that they are different size modules..also the systems Memory Controller has additional from different size modules, motherboards are typically set up (BIOS wise) to deal with sticks that are the same, etc

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          Dual and triple channel memory architecture wants the exact same memory.

          Try putting 15" wheels on the left side of your car, and 17" on the right side.. it can work, but lopsided.

          Try 15", 16", 17" 18" on each end, and it may work, but very weird and unstable.

          Thank you
          GSKILL TECH

