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Registering 6/12GB Trident F3-16000CL9D-4GBTD

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  • Registering 6/12GB Trident F3-16000CL9D-4GBTD

    I have the Asus Rampage 3 extreme mobo, i7930, and 6 sticks of Trident F3-16000CL9D-4GBTD. My bios is Rampage III Extreme 1401 BIOS 2011.07.02 update which is the most recent available.

    I have tried many of the different suggestions on this forum and in stickies without success. I am also new to overclocking.

    In the desktop it has been as high as 10/12 though I don't know I have ever seen it 12/12. CPU-Z shows all 12 which is obviously not the case in windows.

    These are the current memory settings, I chose the 1600 setting in the BIOS. So these settings are the stock ones given to it under 1600. I know the memory is 2000 but I know that takes more tweaking and it's not something i'm comfortable with doing until I understand the root problem first.

    I have already tried many of the suggestions from this site and from links to guides on other sites. If all else fails I hope I can get this memory RMA'd for something that can post 12/12
    Last edited by HGFoxFire; 08-01-2011, 09:01 PM. Reason: typo

  • #2
    Running 3 sets of the sticks may be problematic and require testing, which it appears your trying, there's a possibility the sets just won't play together at the rated speed, which comes up occasionally with two sets and can be fairly often with three sets, especially at this frequency. Best bet actually would be a straight 3x4GB set, that way they are tested to work together and three sticks rather than 6 is less stress on other components.

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      Yeah, i'm in the process of re-testing all of the memory. Right now I have 2 sticks in slot b and I made it to windows. I set everything back to auto in the bios so the memory is running at 1066. Though oddly enough it's running at only 3 gigs physical memory again. I'll continue to test as many possibilities as I can, I might be looking at a bad stick or two in there somewhere.

      It appears that the sticks I have are a bit dated, if it turns out I need to RMA them what are my options? You suggested that maybe running a 3x4 GB setup could be more beneficial to my machine. Is it possible for GSKILL to swap out my 6 sticks for a set of 3 "triple channel" in the same price range? I still have the receipt from new egg and the cost was in the rough $350 range.

      I've come to notice that my board is designed around triple channel memory. When I purchased the board I had very little knowledge of memory and I though that triple channel was on the board and not based on the memory. I thought you could by 3 sets of 2x2gb and it meant you would be running them as triple. Which is admittedly my fault for not being as knowledgeable a consumer as many of the more frequent computer enthusiasts.


      • #4
        Ok so i've been doing a-lot of testing. I decided it was pointless to go on until I got some further advice. These are the results. I am at a complete loss here I just don't know what's going on.

        Memory from original slot A."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot A - Result - Did not post, Hang on blue screen, Unable to make it to bios.

        Memory from original slot A."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot B - Result - 3063 total physical - 6124 commit

        Memory from original slot A."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot C - Result - 2039 total physical - 4078 commit "Test 1"

        Memory from original slot A."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot C - Result - 3063 total physical - 6124 commit "Test 2 reversed memory in slot C and re-seated"

        Memory from original slot B."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot A - Result - Did not post, Hang on blue screen, Unable to make it to bios.

        Memory from original slot B."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot B - Result - Failed Overclock Error - Blue Screen "Running 1066 all auto bios settings "Test 1"

        Memory from original slot B."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot B - Result - 3063 total physical - 6124 commit "running 1333/2666 settings" "Test 2" So far I am at a loss why i'm down a full gig.

        Memory from original slot B."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot c - Result - 3063 total physical - 6124 commit "running 1333/2666 settings"

        Memory from original slot C."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot A - Result - Did not post, Hang on blue screen, Unable to make it to bios.

        Memory from original slot C."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot B - Result - 3063 total physical - 6124 commit "running 1333/2666 settings"

        Memory from original slot C."Running only 2x2gb" Test slot C - Result - 3063 total physical - 6124 commit "running 1333/2666 settings"

        Memory from original slot A & B."Running 4x2gb" Original A in test A, Original B in test B - 3063 total physical - 6124 commit "running 1333/2666 settings"

        Memory from original slot A & B."Running 4x2gb" Original A in test B, Original B in test C - 3063 total physical - 6124 commit "running 1333/2666 settings"

        Just for laughs same as previous only running XMP profile in bios. 3063 total physical 6124 commit.


        • #5
          I've tried all of the sticks in the dual channel setup, both in sets of 4 and 2 on the board. Still only getting 3 gigs. I've tried numerous bios tweaks that have been suggested and even some of my own and still nothing. I've tried everything from 1066 to 2000 with different settings and I can't get more than 3gb physical memory. If you're as stumped as I am i'm just going to request an RMA. No response all day and i'm out of ideas.


          • #6
            Not sure here, maybe GSkill will be in Wed and have some thoughts

            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              Sounds good. I appreciate the reply. I just want to exhaust every possibility I can. I can at least still run windows, just don't have a-lot of spare memory.


              • #8
                Sorry bout that, haven't used Tridents much and have even less experience trying three different sets, I know two can at times be bad but generally just takes some voltage adjustments (though sometimes they just WON'T play together

                Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                • #9
                  Yeah, I bought the kits together in the same purchase and i've kept the pairs separated. I've tested each set in by itself and yielded the same results. I did a complete tear down of my system. I pulled the board and the processor. I checked the pins with a magnifying glass and they are all fine. I examined the board for scrapes especially around the memory areas and found no evidence of damage or burning. The board looks great. I dusted the whole machine. I re set the processor and put on new thermal paste. I don't think I need to continue lol. It may as well have been a new build. Needless to say after performing the same tedious tests again i'm stuck with the same results.


                  • #10
                    What version of Windows do you have? It may be best to swap for a kit like this:


                    Thank you
                    GSKILL TECH
                    Last edited by GSKILL TECH; 08-03-2011, 09:53 AM.


                    • #11
                      Windows 7 64bit


                      • #12
                        Bump, waiting on a response.


                        • #13
                          Not sure what Gskill has in mind, but they are off weekends, should be back Mon or Tues depending on the support load from the weekend

                          Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                          • #14
                            Sounds like the kits won't match enough to work together, so you need to send them in for a 12GB kit. You can send them in as credit, or keep them to sell or something.

                            Thank you
                            GSKILL TECH


                            • #15
                              I just wanted to update. I thought that maybe because nothing would register in channel A that the problem might be the Motherboard. I did an RMA for it and got it installed today. Same thing, only getting 3gb physical memory. Now I even get an overclock failed error with the xmp profile and it's only running in 1066.

                              As you suggested this memory must not want to work together. Can you tell me how I can go about getting this memory sent in for replacement? I asked earlier in this thread but I didn't know how it would work to send in 4 dual channel sticks for one 12gb triple channel kit. I would also like to know what kind of memory you would suggest for the Rampage 3 extreme. I had DDR2000 but if you feel I would get better results and less frustration out of a 1600 kit with better timings I would surely take that instead.

                              Also if you could explain how sending them in for credit works I would be grateful.

                              I appreciate the response.
                              Last edited by HGFoxFire; 08-09-2011, 01:36 PM. Reason: Addition

