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Gigabyte GA-P55-UD6

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  • Gigabyte GA-P55-UD6

    I have a Gigabyte GA-P55-UD6 board and I want to change from 2x2 GB to 2 x 4 GB memory. At the moment I have a fast CL7 memory. But of course I want to get faster with the upgrade. I do not know what memory might work with my board. I am thinking about:


    Will they work with my board? Most of them do not show my board as option. And if they work can I use XMP or do I need different settings?

    One option might be the Sniper 1600 - but I read that it is not great in OC. So I do not want to use this.

    Thank You,


  • #2
    Any of those sets will work w/ the mobo, including the Snipers, I've run the 1600 sets up to 1800 with stock timings

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    • #3

      Thank you


      • #4
        Thank you very much for your response.

        Just some more questions. If I take the X series I guess the XMP might not work with my board. Or what is the reason that I often get the advice not to take the X series?

        I have this GA-P55-UD6 with an I7-860. The SPD can be set to 12. If I understand this correctly I can run the mem with 1600 without overclocking the CPU/FSB. Is this correct?

        If I buy a memory that has not my motherboard on the qualified list do I have any chance to get any kind of warranty? The newer memories don't show P55 boards anymore in this list. But if the memory does not work what will be then?

        Thank You,



        • #5
          XMP can work with your motherboard, the X series can work too, but we suggest RipJaws because it was originally made for your motherboard.

          The i7-860 CPU does have 12X memory multiplier, so you can set to DDR3-1600 without overclocking.

          All G.Skill memory is covered by lifetime warranty. If the memory does not work with your motherboard, we will send you something that will.

          Thank you
          GSKILL TECH


          • #6
            Thank you for your response. Just by accident I found this Sniper and ordered it:


            IF you do not hear anymore from me I am either dead or it works

            Thanks Again,



            • #7
              Let us know (your alive) and what you think of them, I've got two of these sets in my P67 running at 1895 with 9-9-9-27 CR 1T

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              • #8
                So, here are my results for the F3-14900CL9D-8GBSR. I had before a 7-7-7-19 1T 1333 memory.

                First I was a bid disappointed with the Sniper and so I tried to play around. At 1.50 V and FSB 133 and SPD 12 it installed without problems at 1600. With those settings I could reach with tweaking 7-8-8-16 1T stable with Memtest.

                7-7-7 or 7-7-8 or 6-8-8 did not work - BIOS did not start

                The question that I have, does it make any sense to go from 7-8-8-16 further down to 7-8-8-15 and even more? Is there anything else that I could try? Is a tRFC of 128 okay?

                But so far I am very happy with this memory
                Last edited by Johnxxx; 07-14-2011, 05:19 AM.


                • #9
                  Use a memory benchmark test to find out. Too low will harm performance. Instead, you should work on lowering sub timings such as tRFC for max performance.

                  Thank you
                  GSKILL TECH


                  • #10
                    Thank you for your response. I checked the peformance. To be honest to set the timings down did not bring much. But this mem is for CPU/FSB-OC anyway.

                    One last question:

                    You write that too low could harm the performance. Why can this be? My understanding was the lower the better as long as it is stable.


                    • #11
                      Like a CPU or a mobos FSB the DRAM will have a 'sweet spot' where you get the best performance, but you can run the CL too low or the frequency too high to a point where it may well run stable and perform well but may be damaging to the the ICs and shorten their life

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