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  • F3-17000CL11D-8GBXL and ASUS P8P67 WS REVOLUTION

    After countless hours searching and not any real definitive answer I figured I'd start a thread. If for some reason this has already been addressed please feel free to point me in the right direction and delete this thread.

    I'm getting ready to order parts to build my new replacement desktop this Friday.

    Here's what I've got so far:


    INTEL i7 2600k

    16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR3 2133 F3-17000CL11D-8GBXL

    2 X MSI HD 6950

    I know the memory isn't a 16GB kit, but I'm doing it this way because of cost. I do a lot with VMs, graphics design, video editing, etc. hence the 16GB amount. I went with this model because of the speed and bandwidth it provides, but suggestions will be considered and are welcomed.

    I checked for QVL and didn't see this exact model listed. The 2600k will eventually be OC as will the MSI cards unlocked to 6970s and OC. Enough background info I think, so my main concern is will the memory and mobo play nicely and at what speed and timings can I expect? Any other warning or precautions (filling all 4 DIMMs etc.) are welcome. Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by 123sit; 06-08-2011, 09:42 PM.

  • #2
    I know what you mean about costs, something I haven't figured, but anyway, would suggest start w/ one set, enable XMP set to 2133 and give it a try, if all good do with second set....if all still good, try all 4, then if they don't play well (which is possible as they aren't a matched/tested quartet, the can first try raising DRAM voltage by .05....if still problems try raising CPU/VTT by about the same .05 or so.....if still problems can try reducing freq to say 2000 and see or experiment with the voltages. Let us know how it goes.

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    • #3
      Tradesman, thanks for the reply. I was wondering would I be better off getting a 16gb ddr3 1600 kit and just overclocking instead of getting ddrs 2133? Also in regards the 16gb kit, is that absolutely necessary? What I mean is for people who are upgrading over time are they just rolling the dice and hoping that the second 8gb kit they purchases is compatible with the same model number memory they have now? Are they that many variables that are introduced between batches that they may be incompatible, even though it is the exact same model number? Just curious and thank in advance once again.


      • #4
        1600 vs 2133 is a subject of much debate, personally I'd go the 2133, can always downclock and tighten timings, plus if you ever use them in a newer of=r upgraded system you have the faster to work with, cuz lets face it, the speed will just continue to rise. Having 8GB (or 4 or whatever) and then upgrading, generally is not a problem, especially when using the the same model....but there is no guarantee, a four stick set is tested to work together, if you do go to 2 sticks sets, best to do at the same time (buy two at once)....problems yo can run into include different batches of chips/ICs, different lots of PCBs, etc coming into play in possibly different production runs and talking tolerances to thousandths of an inch or so, a very slight difference and they may not want to play together. Hope this helps.

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        • #5
          In addition, some will work, but performance results will not be as good as a matched kit.

          Thank you
          GSKILL TECH


          • #6
            Thanks for both of the responses and I'm gonna go ahead with the 2133, ordering 2 X 8gb kits at the same time and hopefully everything plays nicely. I'll post back with some results after part arrival and build is complete. Thanks again


            • #7
              No problem, we'll keep an eye out for you

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              • #8
                So far so good. Enabled XMP in the bios and bam 2133mhz with 16gb installed. Beginning windows 7 x64 install and will post with further results.


                • #9
                  Let us know, sounds like your on it!

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                  • #10
                    Confirmed with CPUz in Windows 7 x64 that all 16gb does indeed run at 2133Mhz. No problems at all. Couldn't be happier with the memory and I saved some money as well. Thanks for the help .


                    • #11
                      No problem, Enjoy!

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                      • #12
                        Bios Update

                        So I updated my bios to the latest 1302 asus bios, now Windows 7 x64 Ultimate locks up right before the spinning colors at boot when using the XMP settings that worked perfectly on the previous bios. The cpu overclock from the previous bios 4.3Ghz works still the no 2133 for the memory. Posting the cpuz screens for the 1302 bios with mobo set to Auto. TIA


                        • #13
                          Try resetting the BIOS then manually 11-11-11-30, 1.55 voltage, CR at 2T and may have to raise VCCIO voltage

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                          • #14
                            You sir are a genius, works perfect again. Thank you


                            • #15
                              Hope all stays well, have fun!

                              Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


