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Compatibility/speed question

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  • Compatibility/speed question

    I'm about at my wit's end, so I'm hoping you guys can help. I'm looking to replace what I think is bad RAM (8GBs of Corsair XMS3 DDR3 1600 that constant give me BSOD's) on a Gigabyte 870A-UD3. While I'm at it, I figure I may as well upgrade to 16GBs of G.Skill. I'm running an AMD X6 1100T so I read the sticky and my current BIOS settings look OK (timings are the same, voltage at 1.58, etc). My question is more about speed. I'm looking at F3-10666CL9Q-16GBXL (Ripjaws X 16GB kit at 1333) vs. F3-12800CL9Q-16GBXL (Same stuff 16GB kit at 1600). I'm wondering if this will create a bottleneck of sorts if I go with the 1333. I can't imagine it would with 16GBs. The only reason I consider the 1333 is because it seems to be more native to the board (i.e. no tweaking and hopefully increased stability so I can stop getting a BSOD several times a day when I put a moderate load on the system).

    Or will this even work with my board? Gigabyte only lists one G.Skill product at 1600 that's compatible with the board (one of the Eco kits) but I'm sure they can't possibly test anything and everything that comes out, and who knows how old their chart is. Any help would be hugely appreciated...I feel like there's so many choices I'm about to lose it.

  • #2
    The 1333 would be the easier of the two and the 16GB should definitely preclude any bottlenecking unless you are possible planning for say an 8GB RAM Disk.....I say this since from what I've seen, even extreme users seldom require more than 8.

    For the 1600 sticks, there's a sticky about setting them up fairly painlessly, can be read here:

    So either way, think you'll be happy without many if any headaches

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    • #3
      DDR3-1333 will not bottleneck. The CPU is designed for DDR3-1333, so you would just be running as manufacturer intended, instead of "overclocking".

      Thank you


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies. I'm kind of wishing I'd built this thing myself. It was an X-mas present and built by Cyberpower, so I don't know what changes have been made in BIOS (if any). I'm really just wondering if the 10666 RAM would increase stability over 12800. That's all I'm looking for, really. Good performance is definitely a priority, but I'd be willing to sacrifice a bit to not get constantly BSOD'd.

        And yeah...I know 16GB is overkill at the moment. I'm trying to make this thing as future-proof as I can and, as long as I can afford it, it's one less thing to think about.


        • #5
          Should/can be stable either way.....and like your way of thinking, I was an advocate of 8GB and 64 bit OSs long before they became mainstream and if the budget is there advocate 16GB now to and operating system size bloat just continues to grow -- 13-15+ GB for an OS????

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