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f3-12800CL8D-8GBXM - different SPD?

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  • f3-12800CL8D-8GBXM - different SPD?

    I now have two of the F3-12800CL8D-8GBXM kits. I'm noticing that the modules from my previous kit have different SPD settings than the modules from the kit that I just installed today.

    The XMP profile for both kits seems to be the same (1600/8/8/8/24/2T/1.5v), but the JEDEC profiles are different.

    The kit I had installed previous is: 1333/9/9/9/24 and the newly installed kit is 1600/9/9/9/28.

    checking the modules with the SPD tool in CPU-Z, there are more differences:

    Set #1: There are 3 JEDEC SPD tables and one XMP table. The JEDEC tables are 622, 711, and 800 MHz.

    Set #2: There are 4 JEDEC SPD tables and one XMP table. The first table isn't shown, but the 2nd thru 4th are 533, 609, and 685 MHz.

    Both sets have a XMP-1600 SDP table for 800/8.0/8/8/24/34/2T/1.5v.

    Are there completely different chip types under the heat spreaders, or did g.skill just change the SPD programming at some point?

    Last edited by garyd9; 04-20-2011, 08:18 AM.

  • #2
    May have some sticks from the initial release of the X series and GSkill has since finetuned the SPD after the P67 chipset fiasco and recall

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    • #3
      Other than the usual possible (but rare) issues with mixing any two separately packaged RAM kits, might there be any difficulties in using these two kits together with the XMP-1600 profile?

      They seem to boot up together okay, but I won't have time to run memtest on them until I go to bed tonight. (It takes a LONG time to memtest 16GB of RAM)



      • #4
        Have you had problems thus far? If so what mobo and do you have the latest BIOS? Normally when mixing sets you can make minor voltage adjustments and all will be well.....on occasion though, you can get sets that just won't play together.

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        • #5
          Should be no issues if XMP Profile is exactly the same, and the two kits can match together. Nobody really uses JEDEC anyway, so it doesn't really matter.

          The 800MHz JEDEC was added for dummies anyway, so people can POST at DDR3-1600 instead of the JEDEC DDR3-1333. This memory is above both, so XMP profile or manual settings should be used.

          Thank you
          GSKILL TECH


          • #6
            initial results are positive:

            Ran 5 passes of IntelBurnTest set to MAX memory, and everything worked. Rebooted into the Win7 "Windows Memory Diagnostic" tool and let it cycle through 2 quick passes. Both were successful.

            This is running the memory at 1.5v, 1600 8/8/8/24 and 1T (instead of 2T its rated for.)

            When I go to bed tonight, I'll boot up a memtest CD and really stress it out.

            I have to say, with only a single exception, every kit of GSkill memory that I've ever purchased has been of very good quality. The one exception was an ECO kit that was RMA'd with no hassle or problem.

            Thank you for high quality, but reasonable cost RAM,


            • #7
              Agree, which is why I use GSkill in the majority of my builds

              Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


