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  • F3-10666cl7d-4gbrh

    Model of the motherboard: Asus P5Q3 Deluxe (Bios version 2105)
    Model of the memory: F3-10666CL7D-4GBRH (2 kits = 8 Gb total)
    Model of the CPU: Intel Core2Quad 8200 @ 2.33 Ghz

    What is the problem?

    I connected all 4 sticks, it started o.k., but with latencies 9-9-9-X, changed AI Tweaker from Auto to XMP, system restarts but doesn't boot, it goes straight to EZ Flash 2 utility and says bios might be corrputed, it will delete latest bios and replace it with default one.

    I did that. Again same story (9-9-9-X), but when I change it to XMP, it restarts, but monitor doesn't show any picture (blakc screen, everything else looks/sounds normal - all vents are running, disks are spinning, etc.). In that situation I had to remove 2 sticks of ram to get picture back on.

    After all that I updated bios to the latest version once again, left only 2 sticks of ram in orange slots, enabled XMP and it works perfetly (boots in Windows, no BSOD, 7-7-7-21 etc.). Passed memtest without errors.

    Then I removed this 2 sticks and replaced them with other 2, but this time I put them in black slots. Again, everything works perfectly, boots in Windows, no errors on memtest.

    My question is how can I make all 4 sticks run on XMP? Manual settings maybe? Wich one? I am total noob when it comes to advance bios settings.. :\

    Thanks for your help,

  • #2
    Change the same things as XMP.


    If still unstable, try raising NB Voltage +0.1V to see if that helps.

    Thank you


    • #3
      Thanks for reply.

      Just tried that, same result. It works fine with 3 sticks connected, but as soon as I add 4th, it goes to EZ Flash 2, bios recovery mode, saying bios may be corrupted. When I remove 4th stick everything is fine again (have to re-enter bios settings). I raised NB Voltage 2 times, by 0.1 - to 1.3, how far is safe to go?


      • #4
        Is that a proven motherboard? It may be a bad slot.. Try rearranging them and test that.

        Thank you


        • #5
          What do you mean by "proven motherboard"? Like I said in my first post, I tested all sticks in all slots with memtest, no errors. It works great with 2 sticks in any slot (orange or black), 4 sticks are different story.. :\


          • #6
            May want to try raising the DRAM voltage .05 or a bit more

            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              Just raised Dram voltage to 1.56, same story..


              • #8
                Connected all 4 sticks and tested 'em with memtest on auto settings (9-9-9-24) with no errors. Just can't get them to work on 7-7-7-21..


                • #9
                  May be two kits that are incompatible. You'll need to try two new ones or get an 8GB kit.

                  Thank you
                  GSKILL TECH

