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  • F3-12800cl7d-8gbxh

    Recently I purchased a pair of 2x4GB F3-12800CL7D-8GBXH RAM modules along with a Asus P67 motherboard. In the uEFI bios if I leave the settings at Auto for the RAM (9-9-9-24-1T 1.5v) and coldboot the system it will boot with no issues. When I change to the rated values for the frequency, timings and voltages (7-8-7-24-2N 1.6v) and coldboot the system it will turn on, turn off, and turn again with a message "Overclock Failed!" Then I must reenter the bios and put all the settings back to their intended values. However, once the system is shutdown and coldbooted it will go through the same process and I must input all the values once again. Is there a known compatibility issue with the F3-12800CL7D-8GBXH and Sabertooth P67 motherboard?

    I've already tried to enable XMP 1600mhz profile and it does the same thing.

    I appreciate any comments or information, my current specs are:

    Asus P67 Sabertooth
    Intel i7-2600k
    2x4GB Gskill F3-12800CL7D-8GBXH RAM
    EVGA GTX 570
    Sound Blaster X-fi Titanium Fata1ity
    Corsair HX850W PSU
    Tuniq Tower 120 Extreme Heatsink
    Antec Nine Hundred-Two Case

  • #2
    No, but there is an issue with the P67 platform. Do you have the latest BIOS? I would suggest contacting ASUS to see what their solution is for such a problem.

    Thak you


    • #3
      Thanks for replying quickly.

      Yeah I do have the latest bios v.1204. Hoping Asus's new bios they plan to release will remedy this issue but I don't know. I'd really like to keep these modules. I really enjoy the overall product quality and most importantly the timings are really nice. Any suggestions of things to try?


      • #4
        If their new BIOS doesn't correct things, coud try lowering speed at CL7 till it does run stable...or increasing the DRAM voltage by maybe .05 from current....Also this may well be one of the Cougar chipset boards that they are replacing, so the new board may have a better BIOS, supposedly they are finetuning the mobos before sending out as replacements

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        • #5
          This ram failed Windows Memory Diagnostic...

          It froze on the second path at 73%. It stayed there for four hours. I could not escape it. I had to restart it.

          I am having a bad time suffering numerous computer freezes.


          • #6
            Might want to run Memtest on each stick individually....or...if within the return period from where you bought the sticks might take them in and get an exchange, telling them that the sticks failed the Windows Memory Diagnostics - if still problems then it narrows it to the mobo or CPU and gives you another 30 days or whatever on the sticks, by which time hopefully ASUS will have the replacement mobos out

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            • #7
              Good suggestion

              I appreciate the suggestions Tman, I changed the DRAM voltage from 1.6v to 1.65v and it coldbooted one after another 3 times in a row. It even booted with no issues after sitting off all night. The RAM on the box is rated 1.6v, will it cause any long term issues if I run it at 1.65v 24/7? Thanks again for the info.


              • #8
                No, like most components the rating is on the low side, the sticks are safe even higher, though I will say, I generally don't recommend over a +.1 increase

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                • #9
                  I have the exact same issue. Did you ever find a solution?


                  • #10
                    my solution


                    no problems so far...

                    but everything is set low...


                    • #11
                      Appreciate the input

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