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Having a possible memory issue.

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  • Having a possible memory issue.

    Built a new system recently the specs are;
    MOBO = Asus P5P43TD/USB3 with most up to date BIOS installed.
    CPU = Intel Core 2 Quad 2.5 Ghz
    PSU = Rosewill 850W continuous with 4 12V rails.
    GPU = GeForce 460gtx(EVGA) with 1gig ddr5
    RAM= Gskill F3-10666CL9D-8GBSR 4gigx2
    OS = WIN764xPRO

    system seemed stable then started getting intermittent BSOD's after doing some homework and running tests on the GPU and CPU I determined it must be a ram error. So I ran Memtest86+ and in dual channel mode got 2000 errors on test 5. I then decided to check each stick one at a time and ran the test 12 hours per stick. No errors on either stick when in single channel. the PSU is pushing the correct voltage through the system. I checked the BIOS and it has this RAM setting at the specs published here with correct timings and voltage of 9-9-9-24 and 1.5v. I have seen some people suggest upping the voltage but 1.6 still gave me errors and I didn't feel comfortable changing the voltage any more than that. I posted all of this on the new egg forum and someone said go to GSKILL and see if they recommended an alternate timing or voltage so thats what I am here for. Thank you in advance for your time.

  • #2
    For 8GB may have to raise the NB +.1, could your post your BIOS settings, so we could have a look

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    • #3
      Sure thing.
      FSB speed as 333
      DRAM timing control
      1st information 9-9-9-24-4-78-10-5
      2nd information 10-5-7-4-9-7
      3rd information 21-7-1-10-10
      SB voltage 1.5-1.6
      Memory over voltage 1.5
      chipset over voltage 1.1
      VTT over voltate 1.2
      CPU VCORE over voltage BY CPU

      This is all I can think of that you would need though if I am missing anything let me know. thanks so much.


      • #4
        May be the sticks or could be mobo, especially if they test okay by themselves but not in dual channel, what slots do you have them in ... and ...have you tried in other slots

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        • #5
          I have it in dimm 0 and dimm 2. So the two blue ports on the Mobo. I have not tried it in the other channel yet. Do all my voltages look okay?


          • #6
            Alright, so I tested them on the other channel on my mobo. Running a memtest and so far no errors. It made it through the first pass of test 5. I am going to let it run for the rest of the night just to be sure. It seems like it might be the second dimm on that first channel. Any thoughts?


            • #7
              How about NB and MCH (if you have it) - If the two slots your testing, test OK you may just have what I think of as a bass akward mobo, for whatever reason, have run into a number of them (not exclusive to a manufacturer or a particular model) where the primary DIMM slots seem to be reversed, could be as simplae as a single bad solder point, but every once in a while one will pop up

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