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  • Sos

    I recently acquired F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL which I was going to install in my ASUS M4A77TD motherboard.
    I am not unaccustomed to installing hardware in my system, so when I installed the new RAM in addition to the F3-12800CL9D-2GBNQ which was already installed.
    After installation, I powered my system up and found that I no longer had a display. I checked and rechecked the connections connecting the video card to the monitor, there was no change to how it looked moments before when the computer was working.
    I tried taking out the hold and putting the new in, then I tried just the old ram. No results, the monitor still displays as idle.
    On startup the computer makes all the correct noises to imply a good startup, but I can't get any response from the monitor.
    Any suggestions?

  • #2
    Make sure the connections are tight both at the mobo and the monitor, check power on to monitor, if you have it check the power connector to the video card, monitor power switch on, dram seated tightly (try only one of the new sticks in slot 1 by the cpu....power up...if no go, try 1 of the old sticks in slot 1. If still nothing reset the CMOS either by removing the battery or using the CMOS rest jumper....should find both ways in your manual.....then let us know and we can work from there.

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      All the connections are tight, I tried resetting the CMOS, also changing out the RAM in the order you stated. Monitor is still idle.


      • #4
        Did you try reseating the video card, may also want to unplug the monitor and wait a minute or so then power it back up

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          Still no go.
          I've been reading about this elsewhere. Is it possible the mobo shorted? If so, how would I confirm that?


          • #6
            For 8GB (4 modules), it requires some voltage tweaks, so that must be done or the system will be unstable.

            Try one or two modules to get it working again. Clear the BIOS, the system should boot with one module installed so you can input settings in BIOS..

            Thank you
            GSKILL TECH

