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new build issues

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  • new build issues

    hello, I am attempting to build a new computer and am hitting some strange snags. Its a little complicated but please bear with me.

    CPU:AMD Phenom II X4 3.4 GHz Processor
    Motherboard: ASUS M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3
    Memory: G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3

    Okay, at first I couldn't get any video out and was told by ASUS that I needed to flash my bios in order to use the Phenom II. So I purchased a Semron 2.7 ghz processor to flash my bios with. Using the g.skill memory it booted fine, I flashed my bios, and then turned the computer off. I decided to let the Sempron processor in so that I could load windows xp onto my HD before trying the Phenom processor. However, the computer would not boot and started to tell me that I had a memory issue.

    It has a "MEM OK" button that will allow memory to work if its not compatible. I use it and the machine boots but tells me something like "device not found" and just goes to a blank screen. I had this issue trying to get XP on my HD. It seems to ignore boot order. Like it checks the HD, fusses, and doesn't bother to check the DVD reader. I DID get XP on my HD by using F8 and doing a one time change to boot order. Now if I use "MEM OK" it'll boot, give me that device error, and load windows after a moment.

    The issue did not seem to be there before I flashed my Bios. The only beeps I am getting is one at initial start, nothing else. And after contacting ASUS techs they simply say that I need to get memory from one their recommended manufacturers. IE: not G.skill. I have read builds online where people have used this memory with this motherboard.

    I'm stuck. Could it be that I now need to use the Phenom processor after flashing? Did the memory somehow become incompatible after the flash?

    Please help.

  • #2
    Windows doesn't like big hardware changes like CPU once installed,'ve flashed the BIOS, go ahead install the Phenom, install 1 stick of the DRAM in slot 1, go into BIOS and set boot order to DVD then HD, pop in the Win DVD and boot up, see if it reads the drive then go ahead and re-install Windows, after Win install add the second stick, if any problems get back to us....well me...if it's today or tomorrow.

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    • #3
      sorry, it took so long to reply, I had the computer sent out to a tech place for help and the issue boils down to this.

      I currently have the following build:

      CPU:AMD Sempron 2.7 GHz Processor
      Motherboard: ASUS M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3
      Memory: G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3

      And I have windows 7 as my OS. I can get the computer to boot once, everything goes great. The problem I'm having is that after I shut down the computer it won't even post. I have to kill the power and pop out the BIOS battery, put it back in and then turn on and the computer works great again. Until the next shut down, repeat.

      ASUS tells me again that it is probably a memory issue, which I am tending to agree with. But, I have seen builds of this online and I was wondering if their is anything I can do to make the settings work?

      The tech said I could possibly manually change voltage and wanted me to ask you guys if the RAM was tested for this board. I would rather not get somebody else's memory, anything you can suggest to help?


      • #4
        What model is the memory? Do you have the latest BIOS? Test one module at a time to make sure none are defective.

        Thank you


        • #5
          Memory model: f3-10666CL9D-8GBRL

          I do not have the latest BIOS.

          I have tested the memory one at a time with the same happening for each one.

          I checked their QVL and GSkill is listed on it. However the highest they have listed are 6 gb sticks. I didn't see any 8gb ram listed. Is the fact that I'm using 8gb a problem?


          • #6
            Shouldn't be no, the board is suppose to support up to 16GB (4x$GB), may want to go ahead and flash the BIOS to the latest version, if any further problems, get back to us and if you would post your BIOS settings

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            • #7
              okay, I checked and I already do have the latest BIOS setting. And I am unsure as to what you mean by post BIOS settings. What exactly do you need?


              • #8
                So something strange happened right after I posted. Windows updated and the computer powered down. Just for giggles I turned the power on and the computer started working.

                I didn't have to remove the bios battery or anything. So I logged in and shutdown again. It works that time. I tried restarting and turning it off before log in and it works great.

                So I decided to kill the power to it completely (in case of power outage or even system repair) and when I plugged it back into the wall it started acting up again, ie, I have to kill the power and pop out the bios battery after every time I shut it down.

                So why did the computer magically start working? I had checked to make sure the BIOS was up to date and the system said it was, so I quit out without messing with it. I thought maybe the windows update fixed it, but after removing it from the wall outlet its still acting up. Any thoughts?


                • #9
                  May have a CMOS battery going bad

                  Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                  • #10
                    is there anyway to test to see if it is bad? Also, even if the cmos is going bad shouldn't the computer continue to work as long as it has power going to it? Because I've only been able to get it to boot up repeated without popping out the battery that one instance. I somehow need to find a way to get it it to boot repeatedly with the power supply steady. Do you think that the windows update might have fixed it? If so, why did it not keep working after the unit had all power cut off from it?


                    • #11
                      Could see what windows updated, may have been a driver or something like that that was affecting things.

                      Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                      • #12
                        Send the memory in for RMA to see if a new kit works better. Or if you have other DDR3 memory to try out, that would be easier.

                        Thank you
                        GSKILL TECH


                        • #13
                          I will try to locate new DDR3 memory first. Also, in response to tradesman, it looks like it updated microsoft framework 4 client profile, I don't think that that would have impacted the boot.

                          I will let you know if/when I have acquired DDR3 memory and tested it.

