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booting problems with F3-10600CL8D-4GBHK

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  • booting problems with F3-10600CL8D-4GBHK

    Hello, I'm using 2 sticks of 2gig 1333MHz DDR3 Ram(F3-10600CL8D-4GBHK) on an ASUS M4A88TD-V EVO/USB3 mobo with a AMD Phenom II X6 1055T processor.
    I am having issues getting either windows or ubuntu to load. The mobo gets to post just fine but when I load any OS on it the loading screen for it shows for a bit and then it BSOD's (or the linux equivalent in the case of ubuntu except it just keeps showing a repeating error rather than restart the system) and my comp restarts. I have tried reinstalling ubuntu from a usb but the same problem persists when trying to load the install.
    I ran memtest86+ v4.10 all night and no errors turned up on the sticks so I am pretty sure it is a BIOS setting keeping things from working.
    I have scoured the forums already for possible solutions and no go. I have tried increasing voltages for CPU/NB, NB, and DRAM as well as around 6 different timings for the ram including 8-8-8-21-2T, 7-8-8-19-1T, 9-9-9-24-1T and several others. I have also tried underclocking my ram to 1066MHz.
    Is it possible this is a problem with my mobo? The mobo and cpu are literally brand new, having arrived from newegg yesterday.

  • #2
    Should not have a problem. Test each module at DDR3-1333, 8-8-8-21, 1.50V. If you continue to have a problem, send them in for RMA replacements.

    Thank you


    • #3
      I memtested both of them again, this time separately at the timings you suggested. No errors showed up but I still cant get any OS to boot. I'm going to RMA them to Newegg and see if a fresh pair fixes things.


      • #4
        Do you have the latest BIOS?

        Thank you


        • #5
          Yep, I just flashed it yesterday.


          • #6
            If you can post your BIOS settings DRAM timings and advanced, along w/ system voltages I'll take and look and see if I see anything. In the meantime, might try loading Win with a single stick in slot 1 and see if it goes, if so add the second stick after the OS is loaded....have run into this on the EVO and a few other boards

            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              I'm currently RMAing it but I have tried either stick in every slot (and every combination of such.) As for voltages, I cant remember exactly at the moment but I believe I tried DRAM voltages between 1.5v to 1.6v along with CPU/NB voltages between +.05 to +.1. I'll have to wait for the ram to get back from RMA for me to give the rest of the settings. I've also tried most things at 8-8-8-21-2T for timings although I have experimented with other timings as listed above.


              • #8
                Let us know how the new sticks work

                Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                • #9
                  Ok, so the new sticks arrived but I still have the same problem
                  Is it the motherboard or processor at this point because I am running out of ideas for what could be going wrong.

                  Here are all my timings/voltages for my mobo (I have tried higher NB DRAM and CPU/NB voltages in the past but here is what I have them at currently)
                  CPU offset 1.325V
                  CPU/NB offset 1.150V
                  CPU VDDA 2.500V
                  DRAM 1.500V
                  HT 1.200V
                  NB 1.250V
                  NB 1.1V 1.100V
                  NB 1.8V 1.800V
                  SB 1.100V
                  SidePort Memory 1.500V

                  1333Mz (automatically detected by mobo)

                  Should I adjust my Northbridge settings? Here are what they are currently.
                  DRAM Controller
                  Bank Interleaving: Auto
                  Channel Interleaving: Auto
                  Enable Clock to all DIMMs: Disabled
                  Mem Clk Tristate C3/ATLVID: Disabled
                  Memory Hole Remapping: Enabled
                  DCT Unganged Mode: Always
                  Power Down Enable: Disabled
                  ECC Config
                  ECC mode disabled

                  Also, here is my CPU configuration
                  GART Error Reporting: Disabled
                  Microcode updation: Enabled
                  Secure Virtual Machine Mode: Disabled
                  Cool 'n' Quiet: Enabled
                  ACPI SRAT Table: Enabled
                  ASUS core unlocker: Disabled
                  CPU core activation: Auto
                  Last edited by braknov; 12-24-2010, 12:01 PM. Reason: to give additional information


                  • #10
                    might take cpu/nb up to 1.2 and/or DRAM to 1.55 as possibles

                    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                    • #11
                      Tried increasing the voltages for CPU/NB and DRAM to what you specified but no luck there.


                      • #12
                        Might try setting BIOS to defaults and then start w/ a single stick

                        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                        • #13
                          Tried what you suggested, no go for that. I just ordered some Kingston DDR3 1066MHz ram (2x2gig) and am going to see if that works. I also noticed that the details of the processor
                          states "Dual Channel PC3-10667U (DDR3-1333) for 2 modules" under integrated memory controller speed.
                          Last edited by braknov; 12-24-2010, 02:19 PM. Reason: clarification


                          • #14
                            That's interesting, on their site (AMD) they advertise these as using up to reg 10600 (1333) and place no limit on the number of sticks, wondering if they are running into the same thing they did with some of their other CPU's that could only run 1 stick per channel at 1066 or better. The Thuban's were suppose to eliminate those problems.

                            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                            • #15
                              Seems like something is defective. Troubleshoot and test to see what is causing the problem. Replace it and the system should be smooth.

                              Thank you
                              GSKILL TECH

