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F3-10666CL8D-4GBRM & M4A78T-E BIOS Settings

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  • F3-10666CL8D-4GBRM & M4A78T-E BIOS Settings

    Just wondering what optimal BIOS settings are for this combo.

    Here are system specs:
    CPU: AMD Phenom II 945 Deneb
    Mobo: M4A778T-E
    Memory: F3-10666CL8D-4GBRM
    GFX: Sapphire Radeon HD4670

  • #2



    All you really need to do is set timings in BIOS to tCL 8 - tRCD 8 - tRP 8 - tRAS 24

    The frequency and voltage should be default.

    Thank you


    • #3
      When I run the set as single channel I have no problems. When I run the set as dual channel I get random freezes and hangs. Sometimes won't even post. I've tried loading defaults as well as what you've just suggested.


      • #4
        May be a problem with the motherboard or CPU. Do you have another system you can test the memory on or other memory to test on this computer?

        Thank you


        • #5
          I do not have another AM3 system to test. I have ran memtest86+ 4.10 and there are errors and then it hangs. This is when I test dual channel. With just one DIMM installed it passes. How can I test if issue is related to cpu or motherboard?


          • #6
            For dual channel, are you trying in slots 1-2, if so may want to try 3-4 or vice versa. Could also try a slight increase in either/or DRAM voltage (add .05) ro NB Voltage (add .05)

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            • #7
              I have tried both the A and B dual channel slots. I have also tried raising voltage. Same issue.


              • #8
                Sorry, just an could try the DRAM on another computer, doesn't have to be an AMD system if available, but it does sort of sound like the mobo or CPU

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                • #9
                  How can I diagnose the issue? Thanks for the help; this is my first build.


                  • #10
                    Just had a thought - have you set the the ganged/unganged option in the BIOS - needs to be in GANGED. If that's not it, if you can, try sticks in another system and they work fine in Dual-Channel then it's either the mobo or the CPU.....there it gets a bit more problematic because it could be either/or. You basically either need another CPU or a mobo that fits your CPU, because the problem could be in the MC (Memory Controller), which is in the CPU or it could be the slots, the ICs even a bad trace on the mobo. You could see if any of your friends that are into the techie end of computers have an AMD system using the same socket to try a swap to check or take it to a shop, might even try AMD (though they will prob say it's the DRAM or the mobo), or ASUS (who will probably blame the sticks or the CPU. Another idea would be to check for this happening via the web to the mobo you have...see if others are/or have had dual channel problems (NewEgg Reviews is a good place to look, but I've been trying to get on site there for about 5 minutes now, and either they are totally jammed or have gone down, wiil continue to try and see)

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                    • #11
                      I haven't tried to set as "ganged" yet, but will do that in the morning and report back. I tried to do some research on "ganged" and "unganged" but came to the conclusion that there was a negligible difference in speed and that it didn't matter which one was used. I had left the setting to AUTO in the BIOS settings, but will try your suggestion. I really hope this works!


                      • #12
                        Let us know

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                        • #13
                          Ok I've manually entered the timings (8-8-8-24) and left everything else on auto. My RAM is in slots A1 and B1, so its in dual channel setup. I also disabled DCT Unganged Mode so the memory should be "GANGED". I've just booted up for the first time and everything seems ok so far.

                          My CPU-Z Memory tab reads as follows:

                          Type: DDR3
                          Size: 4096 MBytes
                          Channels #: Dual
                          DC Mode: Ganged
                          NB Frequency: 2006.8 MHz

                          DRAM Frequency: 668.9
                          FSBRAM: 3:10
                          CAS# Latency: 8.0 clocks
                          RAS# to CAS# Delay: 8 clocks
                          RAS# Precharge: 8 clocks
                          Cycle Time: 24 clocks
                          Bank Cycle Time: 33 clocks
                          Command Rate: 1T

                          Does that all look right? Everything seems stable so far, but its early to tell. I've had instances where the computer ran fine for 30 minutes and then hanged and wouldn't reboot, so only time will tell.

                          Should I run memtest86+ now with both DIMM installed?


                          • #14
                            Ok that did not work, as the screen went black after about ten minutes and was completely unresponsive. I tried to reboot and the PC froze at the boot screen (where I would press DEL to run Setup).

                            It seems once the PC freezes in Windows, I can not get it to reboot until I reset the CMOS.

                            I don't understand. If I put the RAM in DIMMs A1 and A2 (single channel setup) the PC will boot and run for days and days. But dual channel just simply will not work.


                            • #15
                              May well be a bad mobo

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