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GA-X58-UD3R: 4Gb on cold boot.

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  • #16
    Cost just depends on Canada Post. Ship it the cheapest way, but a tracking number would be ideal.

    Thank you


    • #17
      Seems like 1.35V of QPI/Vtt didn't help either... Still 4gb this morning.
      If I RMA the RAM, would I need to RMA all the 3 dimms?
      How could I find out the one that is not functioning "correctly"?


      • #18
        Could run Memtest on each stick individually to see if any show a problem - could also try raising the DRAM Bus voltage a tad and see it that helps 'see' them, if so, can then possibly drop the QPI/VTT a bit.

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        • #19
          To Tradesman: I tested every Dimm individually on every socket and they worked... (it booted correctly, etc.)

          VDimm was upped to 1.68 for the last days, but this morning it detected 4 gb, again.

          Intel has offered me a replacement ( I asked them, actually ) for my i7 920 because I thought it could be related directly to the IMC on the chip...

          Should I RMA my processor to Intel or my RAM to G.Skill? I'm only doing one of the RMA so which one is the more logical?


          • #20

            Do you have the D0 or C0 stepping for the CPU? If you have C0, the older one, you might want to RMA both.

            Thank you
            GSKILL TECH


            • #21
              I have D0.

              I just un-mounted my heatsink to check for bent pins, but I can't find them! They are so small. Even with a magnifying glass...


              • #22
                Could you borrow sticks from a friend or co-worker and see if the same happens with them

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                • #23
                  Okay so I just put my system back up (re-assembled it) because there was absolutely no bent pins, and in the meantime I read threads about the same problem with the same model of RAM (NQ)...

                  Something is happening with this model, a LOT of people do not get all of their ram on the first boot.

                  To tradesman: There is surely a computer shop near here, but they'll want at least 25 bucks to start with =(


                  • #24
                    Have you tried disabling the USB 3 Controller in the BIOS? Seems that has been a problem w/ some of the X58 boards?

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                    • #25
                      The X58-UD3R (not X58A) does not have USB3 technology

                      There's something about EIST (SpeedStep) and C1E


                      • #26
                        I'd disable both of those, thought we'd already touched on many similar posts on this issue....I'll read through the entire thread again and see if anything else pops up, may be morning though

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                        • #27
                          No, I always enabled them.

                          Disabled them yesterday for testing purpose, booted this morning and 6gb...
                          Though it's only a 9 hours break, might want to do some more testing


                          • #28
                            Those supposedly help regulate power usage to keep it down, but going back a few years to tuning systems for for gamers, I've almost always disabled them on desktops.

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                            • #29
                              I read on another forum, right here


                              This guy fixed his problem by switching the RAM! He had the same model of RAM and the same model of Motherboard as me...


                              • #30
                                That might help others also with similar problems, glad you mentioned it. For me, it's sort of an automatic thing when I build a system, so it's something I don't always think of when trying to help out here. Here it's more going on memory of systems since I seldom have the components to actually play with, unless it's a match for one of my systems.

                                Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


