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F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ and BSOD's

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  • F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ and BSOD's

    My initial setup was with 4gb ram. Everything has been solid for over a year. I recently added 4 more gig of memory, using the exact same type (F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ) and now I am getting random BSOD's. I ran memtest for 12 hours with no issues. What settings should I be using in the BIOS to make this memory more stable?

    Here is my setup:

    -Gigabyte MA790GPT-UD3H MB
    -GSkill G.SKILL 8GB (4 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ)
    -AMD Phenom II X3 720 2.8GHz Socket AM3 95W

    Memory running at 1333 8-8-8-24-2T (default 9-9-9)
    DDR voltage: 1.65 (default 1.6)
    NB Voltage 1.4 (default 1.3)

    I adjusted the memory settings above based on threads I have read here, but I am still getting BSOD's and errors in Prime95 blend. What else can I try?

  • #2
    Have you tried adding voltage to the CPU and/or the MC

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    • #3
      Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
      Have you tried adding voltage to the CPU and/or the MC
      I have not no. I assume MC is the memory controller? Is that the same as the CPU-NB? What do you suggest?
      I am also a bit confused by NB vs CPU-NB. I adjusted the NB, but maybe I am supposed to be adjusting the CPU-NB instead? I am not really an experienced OC'r.
      Thanks for the help.


      • #4
        Here is a little more info.
        When I first installed the new memory, I didn't adjust any of the bios settings, which were set at the default 1333 9-9-9-24-2T. These are the settings I have been running the initial 4gb with absolutely no issues for the last year. After installing the additional 4gb I started having freezing and bsod's within the first 30 minutes. It would average about 3 crashes per day. I immediately ran memtest 4.10 for a full 12 hours and did not get any errors.

        I upgraded the bios to the latest F4j version, and the bsod's stopped for a few days. I thought that solved the problem, but after 3 days I got another one. So the latest bios seemed to help, but not completely solve the problem. I am able to run memtest and prime95 without any reported errors with the latest bios and the default settings.

        Thats when I started researching it more and trying to adjust the memory timing/voltages.
        One thing I have noticed is that any of the tweaked settings I have tried cause prime95 blend to start failing, when it works fine with the defaults.
        Hope that helps.


        • #5
          Is the 720 unlocked? Check the Command Rate (CR) will want 2N. tRFC should prob be at least 160, will want to raise the CPU-NB a bit. If this doesn't do it, if you could pls post your BIOS Settings

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          • #6
            Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
            Is the 720 unlocked? Check the Command Rate (CR) will want 2N. tRFC should prob be at least 160, will want to raise the CPU-NB a bit. If this doesn't do it, if you could pls post your BIOS Settings
            The cpu is not unlocked, just running the stock 3 cores. CR is currently set to 2T. trFc is 160. CPU-NB is currently 1.2v. What should I raise it to?


            • #7
              Try 1.3 on the CPU-NB, also add .05 to the CPU

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              • #8
                I am going to make those changes now. What is the best was to post the bios settings?


                • #9
                  Most take pictures of the bios screens

                  Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                  • #10
                    DDR3-1600 9-9-9-24 1.50V, CPU-NB Voltage +0.1V


                    DDR3-1600 9-9-9-24 1.60V


                    DDR3-1333 8-8-8-24 1.50V

                    Thank you
                    GSKILL TECH

