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Overclock errors with F3-16000CL9D-4GBRH

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  • Overclock errors with F3-16000CL9D-4GBRH

    Hello. I have an Intel i7 860 with this RAM: F3-16000CL9D-4GBRH.
    I am trying to put the RAM at 2000Mhz and the CPU at 3.8GHz with X.M.P. option at BIOS, but when I do a torture test at Prime95 it shows a Fatal Error (at least on one of the cores): "FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4"
    I am hoping you can help me with some tips about voltages or whatever I need to have a stable system.

    P.S.: I have tested the RAM with memtest89 with no errors at these settings: 9-9-9-27 1.6v

    Last edited by psychic; 11-06-2010, 04:43 PM.

  • #2
    May need to raise the CPU voltage just a bit at a time

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      I increased 0,00625v from 1.26v to 1.3v and all those voltages resulted in a Fatal Error.
      I read online that this kinda error may be be related to RAM, but since memtest86 test showed no errors, I don't know what's wrong....


      • #4
        Rather than use XMP (which is a generic setting) may want to put timings in manually, if still problems, if you post your BIOS Settings we may get a better idea of what is amiss

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          I choose X.M.P but I put timings manually, the recommended ones for this RAM: 9-9-9-27 2N
          Maybe i should use 1.65v instead of 1.60v for VRAM

          EDIT: I tryed
          IMC: 1,4v
          and prime95 didn't show any error, should I decrease both voltages or only vcore since it's high?

          Is IntelBurn Test a reliable stress program?

          "Benefits of using Linpack:
          1. More accurate than Prime95 Small FFTs/Blend.
          2. Takes less time to tell if your CPU/RAM is unstable than Prime95 (usually
          something like 8 minutes Linpack vs 40 hours under Prime95).
          3. Use the same stress-testing engine that Intel uses to test their products
          before they are packed and put on shelves for sale."
          Last edited by psychic; 11-07-2010, 11:39 AM.


          • #6
            From where you are at, might want to lower voltages one at a time while maintaining stability. IntelBurn Test seems fairly reliable to me and it's a good one to use when trying to get stable since it is quick. Can always use it to get a comfortable setup, then run Prime while night-night or at work.

            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              Thanks for the tips.
              I asked that because, for example, I used 1,3v for CPU and then tested on IntelBurn Test on maximum with no problems and then same voltages on prime95 and in the first 3 minutes I had a Fatal error....strange huh.


              • #8
                Please make sure you have the latest BIOS for the motherboard. Then test each one at a time to see if one performs differently.

                Thank you
                GSKILL TECH


                • #9
                  I have latest BIOS, thanks. I realised that 10 runs on maximum doesn't prove the system is stable. When I used 1,3v vcore IntelBurn Test said the system was stable but when I did the test again, the result was negative.
                  So I tryed 1,3125v and this time I did 3 tests ( 10 runs on maximum), and now it's stable.

                  Thanks for everything.
                  Last edited by psychic; 11-09-2010, 11:08 AM.

