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F3-10666CL8-2GBHK running @ 666mhz

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  • #16
    If persist, try DRAM at 1.53 (perfectly safe) in the event the mobo or PSU is allocating voltage a bit on the shy side

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    • #17
      Voltage increments are of a .1 value and not .01, so i dare not alter the DRAM voltage


      • #18
        So any video (or not even video) would gimme random freezes. Now i have bsplayer playing a HD vid, VLC playing a HD vid, media player classic playing a HD vid, youtube playing an 1080 vid, WRC 2010 running and no freeze so far. Not to get my hopes up but, cheers mate ! Probably was a voltage problem !

        Edit: Trial and error process has me lowring voltages to +0.1 and +0.2 to FSB and MCH respectively. I am not sure which of the 2 is the answer to my earlier problems, but i am in no mood for yet another restart.

        All in all, my machine is running exceptionally yet quite rapidly despite its fifth year of weary use, thanks to you guys. You are aces in my book! Cheers
        Last edited by atpapado; 12-13-2011, 11:29 AM.


        • #19
          Psssttt....want to speed it up a little more? If you don't have it, download and install WinPatrol, it's a free utility that does a number of things, but in particular you can check all the programs that load at startup and eat up memory, from the WP interface you can disable or remove them....many of which aren't needed, like ADOBE reader, JAVA updater, google updater, HP often loads a lot for their printers, Kodak, and others load some stuff, same w/ many other programs, by disabling them you can improve boot time and overall performance...if any doubts if they are really needed and google the actual executable filename and see if it's required, like for anti-virus, sound, etc


          • #20
            Thank you kindly, but it safe to assume that if one searches for a delicate faster solution in memory timings, he has already done anything possible to speed up things in the software side, using Glary Utilities. I wil accept the proposal though, and take a look at WinPatrol.


            • #21
              Might be surprised what you find, there are a number of programs that load squibs of themselves that are suppose to increase their launch speed when you initially open them to save you an nth of a second or two which are ignored by most of the speed up utilities like Glary's...I found WinPatrol quite a ways back, which lets you actually see all these squibs and can selectively dis-able or even remove them, better and easier than MSCONFIG, I told RAMJam about it years ago.

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              • #22
                Indeed i was, Scotty digs enough into the OS. I kept him patrolling
                Thanks one more time


                • #23
                  I'll let Jammer know if he hasn't already seen this, you like the little bark, when he finds something or when a program tries to load itself?

                  Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                  • #24
                    Well I was never fond of random sounds through my speakers mainly because i never shut down neither the machine nor the soundsystemm which can be rather disturbing most of the time. Bark is cute though, its just deactivated by personal preference.


                    • #25
                      Glad to hear all is well, Enjoy!

                      Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


