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ASUS M4A87TD USB 3 & F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ compatibile?

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  • #46

    It depends on the Post. It was shipped on 12/22, so depending on how busy there are, it can take 1-2 weeks for Canada.


    What is your RMA number? I would like to see who processed your request. I apologize for their carelessness.

    Thank you


    • #47
      Originally posted by GSKILL TECH View Post

      What is your RMA number? I would like to see who processed your request. I apologize for their carelessness.

      Thank you
      RMA# UR2104711

      While this whole situation is rather annoying and costly (at least in terms of shipping), I do appreciate your willingness to help until things are resolved.


      • #48
        I see what happened, probably the same as the first time. When exchanging for a different kit, you need to tell the RMA department directly so they can make the proper changes in the system and on the form.

        "Please exchange my kit for the G.Skill F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL" or whichever

        I see that you emailed them to replace RipJaws, but apparently they didnt assume you were exchanging for a different kit, they probably thought you had the RipJaws.

        Anyway, I will be testing this combination to see what the issue is. I will post results ASAP.

        Sorry for the inconvenience.

        Thank you


        • #49
          I've have the same set up as Chockomonkey and have had nearly identical problems. I've had the system for about 8 weeks now and it was fine for the first week, and then it started to go down hill with freezes, restarts, and BSOD. After trying to make some adjustments, it would go back to working OK for a few days and then the cycle would just start over. At this point, its 50/50 whether it posts or not and at best makes it to the Windows login before freezing. I have some older (smaller) memory sticks at work I'm going to bring home to swap out to see if it helps, but the step down from 8 gigs to 2 gigs is obviously less than ideal. I'll check back after the weekend to see if you guys have narrowed down the source of the problem...


          • #50
            Hey Chocko.. Do you happen to play EVE by any chance?

            Due to the delay I ended up picking up 4 gigs of A-DATA RAM and it's worked flawlessly so far. I'm starting to think that even if/when I finally get the RMA GSkills, I'll just take them to the store and try and swap them out for some more of these A-DATA instead.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Soko View Post
              Hey Chocko.. Do you happen to play EVE by any chance?

              Due to the delay I ended up picking up 4 gigs of A-DATA RAM and it's worked flawlessly so far. I'm starting to think that even if/when I finally get the RMA GSkills, I'll just take them to the store and try and swap them out for some more of these A-DATA instead.
              i did a long time ago, haven't in ages =P

              What you say regarding your A-DATA ram is what I'm feeling too.

              The same model RAM responded in the same exact way its predecessors did. Worked fine for half a day, then started the same BSOD/freeze/no-post crap. Messed with settings a lot, finally got it to work for another day, until it did the same crap AGAIN. The main problem here for me, is that this is like the FOURTH kit of RAM i've gotten that are all the same

              GSKILL: What is your return/refund policy?

              Obviously we have tried very hard to get this ram swapped out with something that works, but it's been twice that i have been unable to move my troubleshooting further due to your RMA department sending me the wrong RAM. When this happens, i lose weeks of time with my computer just sitting there dead.

              As mentioned pages go, I build an identical computer for my roommate (only difference is RAM), so i KNOW that his OCZ____ works prefectly fine, and have tested it in my machine with perfect results.

              I want this nightmare to be over. Can you please refund my money if i send this crap back so i can just buy a kit that i KNOW works in this system?




              • #52
                or, i guess we could try to get ripjaw again, but... well you know how that worked out.

                any word? I can't send anything to you until you respond so i know what to do.




                • #53
                  For refund, you will need to contact the RMA department. Typically this can only be done through your original place of purchase since you paid them.

                  We can try the RipJaws, on your RMA request form, put this on top.

                  "Please exchange for RipJaws series! F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL"

                  For everything else like getting an RMA number, just follow through the same way. Also, post the message above in the email as well.

                  This is an odd issue, we tested on our end and had no issues with this chipset.

                  Thank you
                  GSKILL TECH


                  • #54
                    We'll try this again before I go down the refund route, I still REALLY want to know if the Ripjaw series will make the difference.

                    Sent the kit out yesterday, keep your eyes peeled.


                    Thanks for your support.


                    • #55

                      I received the Ripjaw series (thank you!!), and still had plenty freezes and even a BSOD. The ram checks out in memtest86 fine though.

                      At one point i set the target RAM freq to 1067, leaving all other settings on AUTO and it ran fine for a week... hence my long time to respond.

                      Unfortunately though, the issues did return. So i'm starting to wonder again if we need to play with some more settings, but specifically for the ripjaw series now?

                      Please let me know some settings to try to get these things stable. Maybe for some lower frequencies because it might be more stable there.




                      • #56
                        i'd love to get some more help on these issues i'm having... so here's some more information:

                        I'm still having issues, and my thread seems to have died... so to maybe bring some more help coming in, here's some more info to go off of!!

                        (are those voltages normal? They're all a bit under what it's supposed to be...)

                        These were taken during some Prime95 Blended mode tests, and they seemed to pass for now with the below bios settings:

                        Ai Overlock Tuner..................Manual
                        CPU Ratio..............................15
                        CPU Freq................................200
                        PCIe bus................................100
                        DRAM Frequency....................1333
                        CPU/NB Frequency.................2000
                        HT Link Speed.......................2000

                        Timing Configuration
                        CAS# Latency.......................8
                        RAS# to CAS# Delay.............8
                        RAS# PRE Time....................8
                        RAS# ACT Time....................24

                        CPU and NB Voltage Mode........Manual
                        CPU Voltage............................1.44
                        CPU/NB Voltage......................1.22
                        DRAM Voltage.........................1.53
                        HT Voltage..............................Auto
                        NB Voltage..............................Auto

                        CPU Load-Line Calibration........Enabled
                        CPU/NB Load-Line Calibration...Enabled
                        CPU Spread Spectrum.............Disabled
                        PCIE Spread Spectrum............Disabled


                        As you can see I'm trying my ram at a lower frequency as it seems to like it more than 1600. I don't really know what to change for stability, so i guessed and raised the voltages of the CPU, the CPU NB, and the DRAM just a little bit to see if that will bring stability... So far it's been decent, though i have had crashes.

                        Do i need to be raising all of these? What else can i try? (I'm asking because i've seen talk about having to OC the CPU freq a little, or lower the multiplier, or all this other crazy stuff that i simply don't understand.)




                        • #57
                          Everything looks fine, but 1.44V VCore for 3.0GHz?

                          Also, the CPU-NB boost should not be needed for DDR3-1333.

                          Thank you
                          GSKILL TECH


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by GSKILL TECH View Post
                            Everything looks fine, but 1.44V VCore for 3.0GHz?

                            Also, the CPU-NB boost should not be needed for DDR3-1333.

                            Thank you
                            GSKILL TECH
                            yea i was just trying to pump more voltage to various things to try to bring more stability. So i can bring the voltage to the CPU and CPU-NB down a little as i'm running at 1333 and stock frequencies... what SHOULD i try increasing?


                            • #59
                              I got my room mate to agree to let me use his computer, so I put in my CPU/Mobo.

                              It ran just fine for awhile, so i grew impatient and began to build the parts i took out of his computer into mine. Ended up with my CPU/Mobo/Ram all in his case working perfectly, his CPU/Mobo/Ram in mine, still freezing. Once we swapped video cards, the freezes swapped computers. I put everything back the way it was, except kept my video card in his computer, the freezes stayed there... so it MUST be the GPU.

                              I haven't RMA'd the GPU, but I know i tested his GPU in my machine at one point, so i must have prematurely jumped to a conclusion while testing that part.

                              I'll be RMAing this part to Gigabyte as soon as i can get in touch with them.

                              So, what are the standard settings for the Ripjaw series ram? I'd like to try the bare minimum when i get this video card back--as I've been trying so many settings, i don't remember what is OC'd and what is not.

                              Also, thanks so much for your help with all this... your customer service excellence will ensure more G.Skill purchases from me in the future. Really, i don't think i would have my sanity if it weren't for you guys ^_^


                              • #60
                                DDR3-1333 8-8-8-24 1.50V is fail proof. Just these settings alone should work.

                                Thank you
                                GSKILL TECH

