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ASUS M4A87TD USB 3 & F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ compatibile?

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  • ASUS M4A87TD USB 3 & F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ compatibile?

    The mobo has been rma'd once, and i've tried both x4 620 and x4 640 processors.

    The problems I?m experiencing are unpredictable restarts, which result in a no POST, sometimes freezing in the bios, sometimes in windows. At other times, and after configuring bios settings, it may run well for a day?but the cycle will inevitably start over whereas there is an initial freeze, followed by a predictable no POST, and/or bios freezes as I?m trying to set different settings to figure out why it?s restarting.

    I have tried setting all sorts of bios settings, loose, tight, 1T, 2T etc. All to no avail... but all the while passing 24+hours of memtest.

    I've also ruled out the PSU, shorts, etc.

    Could this simply be some incompatibility? I know that it isn't on the QVL for this ram...

    What do you recommend? I have been troubleshooting this problem for about 40 days now, so I am unable to send anything back to newegg now.



  • #2
    What settings are being used?

    Try DDR3-1333, 8-8-8-24, 1.50V.

    If this does not work well, send the memory in for replacements to see if that solves the problem.

    Thank you


    • #3
      i will try the above if my current tests are failing (i'm trying +.1v on CPU-NB, stable so far... but it may take a day or two for the problem to crop up again)

      Other settings i'm using...

      Ai Overclock Tuner = Manual
      CPU Ration = 15.0
      CPU Bus Freq = 200
      PCIE Freq = 100
      DRAM Freq = 1600
      CPU/NB Freq = 2000
      HT Link Speed = 2000


      CPU Voltage Offset = +.03 (smallest step)
      CPU/NB Voltage Offset = +.1
      Dram Voltage = 1.6
      HT Voltage = Auto
      NB Voltage = Auto

      CPU & CPU/NB LLC = Enabled
      CPU & PCIE SS = Disabled


      Ram Timings:


      Stepping =33

      All else auto.

      See anything else out of whack?


      • #4
        I think i may have stumbled across what made things stable...

        The ram timings you suggested didn't work, but i started playing around with the range of NB/CPU voltage... and at around +.2v offset in this category, it's given me 3 days so far of complete stability...

        So if you're experiencing anything similar, try messing with your CPU/NB Voltage!




        • #5
          Yep, that is the deal with AMD CPUs and DDR3-1600.

          Thank you
          GSKILL TECH


          • #6
            My computer is SO incredibly cruel. Just like in the past, this stability was only temporary.

            How it's possible for settings to work for 3 days, then just stop working---is beyond me.

            But alas, this is not the first time it's tricked me into believing the settings i'd set fixed my problems... (It did this before when i'd changed ram timings to 2T--I got 2 days of stability, then same problem again... another time it was the ram voltage, from 1.5 > 1.6 which bought me a day of stability)

            To quickly clarify on something i posted above, it was actually still only about a +1.1v increase on the cpu/nb.

            Since these problems cropped up again i've tried all different voltages in what i felt was an acceptable range on the CPU, RAM, and CPU/NB. i also dug up a post about trying 1333 at 8-8-8-24.

            However, ALL of my recent attempts at changing settings to make things become more stable haven't really done anything. It's freezing again within minutes of booting into windows, it will often have trouble posting... i've seen the message "Your overclocking settings have failed!" numerous times, while also having it give me the RAM code (one long beep, followed by 3 short beeps) while not posting.

            Basically, Same Old S***.

            Any ideas as to what i should do now?



            • #7
              Try a new memory kit to see if it works better.

              Thank you
              GSKILL TECH


              • #8
                Okay, how shall i go about doing that? Do i fill out the RMA form on your website?

                I've been troubleshooting this problem for SO long that i can no longer return anything to

                Since this ram is not on the QVL for the mobo, can i send it to you guys and have you send me back some ram which is?

                I just want a working computer

                Also, it is worth mentioning that I HAVE tried my roommate's memory. This seemed to improve stability, but it still was not perfect. His ram was not on the QVL either, and was OCZ. Oh and i'm not sure if i mentioned it above, but this ram pair HAS passed 24+ hours of memtest 4.1... which is why i think it's a compatibility issue.

                Please advise.
                Last edited by chockomonkey; 11-03-2010, 12:29 PM.


                • #9
                  Do you have the latest BIOS? I don't remember a problem with this motherboard.

                  DDR3-1333 8-8-8-24 1.50V should work without a problem. Try this again, but load BIOS defaults beforehand.

                  If you want a plug and play kit, we have these:


                  Thank you
                  GSKILL TECH


                  • #10
                    alright i will try that again.

                    What simply doesn't make sense is the underlying nature of this problem. It will work for awhile (no matter what settings), and then it will not work at all (no post). I'll mess with it for a day and finally get it to post, set up the bios, and think i fixed it... only to have it all happen over again.

                    Does this even sound like ram setting problems? I could be off-base here, but it seems to me that if ram settings were the true cause of my issues, i wouldn't have the issues i've had with POSTing, or lack thereof.

                    Today, for instance during my lunch, i went home to try to get my computer working again. I played with it for about 30 minutes, unable to get it to boot up. Sometimes it would post then give a blank screen, sometimes it wouldn't post at all--it'd just sit there. Other times it would give me a ram read/write error beep (1 long, 3 short). During this time i tried one stick, then the other, all the DIMM slots, etc. nothing working.

                    For no apparent reason then it posted and got into windows, and i watched Prime run for aboue 30 minutes without any issues.

                    Is this common with improper ram settings?

                    edit: oh and yes--after i got my new mobo back from RMA, i flashed to the most recent bios.


                    • #11
                      I agree with you, seems like it may not be a setting problem.

                      Try replacing the memory to see if a new kit works better.

                      Thank you
                      GSKILL TECH


                      • #12
                        I have pretty much the exact same problem. However, my memory is the F3-12800CL7D-4GBRM (2 x 2g).

                        Now, I know that the memory F3-12800CL7D-4GBRM (2 x 2g) does not list this mobo as on its qualified list, but the memory is written in the manual for the Mobo as supported. (However, I did notice that the manual lists it as a 1x2g chipset and the timings are completely different from the memory's settings) Anyways. As the original poster states, teh system will run fine for days at a time as long as I do not turn it off, I can leave it running or letting it go to sleep mode, and it'll return to operation no probs. if I try to turn it off and a few hours goes by, I'll have to play the rebooting game to get it to finally boot up properly.

                        any help would be appreciated. I had memtested them at the place I bought them, I have also ran memtest86 on them. Used windows memory tester. and it paces all the testing.

                        Just have no idea what to do anymore.
                        Last edited by Soko; 11-09-2010, 02:14 AM. Reason: spell check..


                        • #13
                          that sucks that you're having similar problems, though yours does seem to have a difference, which sounds more like cold booting problem--my computer will freeze randomly during gaming, web browsing, w/e... even after 3 days of stability, only to have the trouble getting it booted up.

                          Anyway, I did send my ram back to G.Skill, and will update this thread when i get it back. Hopefully I hear from them soon that they sent new memory out.

                          Cheers until then


                          • #14

                            Please send the memory in for new replacements.

                            Thank you
                            GSKILL TECH


                            • #15
                              I got my replacement RAM kit in the mail yesterday, which was an awesome surprise--a lot sooner than I had expected to get it back!

                              Unfortunately, right out of the box I was having similar issues... key word here though is similar--not the same.

                              It took me probably 30 minutes of rebooting, clearing the CMOS, trying different DIMMS, trying one stick at a time, trying the MemOK! button, etc before i could even get it to post.

                              Finally it was the MemOK button which got it there. I tried several different sets of BIOS settings (the ones in this thread) but they kept giving me BSOD's right when i'd get to windows. (These Blue Screens were different than the couple BSOD's i'd received on the previous ram)

                              So I decided to run some Memtest 4.1. Errors on both sticks, then errors on each stick at a time. See picture:

                              All the memtests were done with your proposed settings of 8-8-8-24. I tried 1.5 and 1.55 volts. Also tried several incremental increases on the NB / CUP and CPU voltages. All to no avail.

                              What should I do? Are these sticks faulty? The kit I sent in passed 24+ hours of Memtest 4.1 on various settings...



