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F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL Random Restarts

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  • F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL Random Restarts

    memory: F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL
    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-P55A-UD3
    CPU: Intel i5 750

    I built this system back around August and I recently started getting random restarts. I've ripped out all unnecessary components and verified it's not the power supply, video card or hard drive by swapping them out. The restarts happen in safe mode so it's not a driver issue. My system is watercooled so I know it's not overheating. Reinstalling windows 7 did nothing to fix it and it even restarted during the installation process.

    Gigabyte tech support seems to think it's the ram. XMP is enabled and I was able to run memtest86 for over 4 hours without errors with both sticks of ram installed. However, I've yet to get a random restart with only 1 stick of ram installed. But then again it's hard to say since the restarts are very random and I've only had it running off 1 stick for a few hours.

    So my question is does this sound like I have bad memory? I'm really clueless as to what could be causing this issue so any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • #2
    XMP enabled, the memory should work fine.. feel free to send them in for replacements to se if the new kit works better.

    Thank you

