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Timings fine tuning

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  • Timings fine tuning

    Hi all, i'm a very happy owner of a 2x2gb kit of gskill f3-10666cl7 (pi edition 1.5-1.6v)

    First doubt is, because i can't find it any longer on the web, why this particular kit was stated as 1.5~1.6v.

    I have a phenom II 945 C3 stepping, and running a very shy overclock of 150mhz, because i don't need more, on multithreaded gaming the most used core doesn't reach 100% and the video card (4850) is a slight bottleneck, then:
    Currently memory timings are 1400mhz CL 7, tRCD 8, tRP 7, tRAS 20, tRC 24, command rate 2T, at 1.59v.

    So second doubt is this, the xmp timings are reported differently on my bios memory-z (mb is msi 770-c45 btw) cpuz, and sandra, before OC i used the recomended timings on the box, which where pretty tight, then when loosening some of the timings (unknown ones where left on auto) based on pure intuition, i read on the bios help that some timings normaly are chained or better, derived from others.
    For example, it said tRC normally was something like 20+tRCD+tRP, but the factory recomendation for my kit was much lower at 22, so:

    Which guideline i should use to fine tune memory timings?, there are a lot.

    Currently my system is rock solid, so my primary objective is not to broke what isn't failing, but at the same time understand a little more about memory timings in general, and in particular for my setup and memory kit characteristics.

  • #2
    There are basic guidelines to timings, but with these newer spec chips, they don't exactly follow that guideline, so it's not recommended.

    The best method to test timings is with a benchmark test. That will let you know the exact difference between each setting and which is truly better.

    Thank you

