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Stability problems with F3-10666CL9D-4GBRL

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  • #61
    Hi Cam,

    Thanks for the update. I doubt that the memory is technically "faulty" since it passes memtest (repeatedly), but there is certainly a possibility that there is a compatibility issue with that memory and your particular motherboard/cpu combination.

    I'm telling you man, I'm convinced this is an issue with some of the memory controllers on the AMD processors and certain types/brands of RAM.

    I hope it eventually all gets worked out for you. Let me know.
    MSI Big Bang xPower x58
    Intel i7 950
    GSkill DDR3 2000 6x2Gb
    Gigabyte GTX 460 x2 SLi
    OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - OS Drive
    WD Black 640Gb x2 RAID0 - Apps and Programs
    WD Black 1Tb backup and storage
    Corsair TX950W
    Water cooling - Swiftech and DangerDen


    • #62
      Hi Wev,

      Anyway they are going to test the RAM, so they will see if it's faulty or not. I already had some memtest errors, but it could be caused by the memory controller of the CPU.
      We'll see



      • #63
        I'm hoping the best for you, I really am. You seem like a super cool person and I'll be happy when your rig is running like it's supposed to.

        Do you do any online gaming? Or what's your poison when it comes to computers?
        MSI Big Bang xPower x58
        Intel i7 950
        GSkill DDR3 2000 6x2Gb
        Gigabyte GTX 460 x2 SLi
        OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - OS Drive
        WD Black 640Gb x2 RAID0 - Apps and Programs
        WD Black 1Tb backup and storage
        Corsair TX950W
        Water cooling - Swiftech and DangerDen


        • #64
          Eheh, you're right, I'm fond of gaming...

          I play sometimes online, not as often as I would like because I have to work
          I like simulations... At the moment (or at least when I had my computer ) I'm playing, Arma 2 and Lock on online. Don't have enough time to play to other games. I used to play a lot to America's Army 2 or 3.

          And you? Do you do any online gaming?



          • #65
            You bet. I love online gaming. I remember playing some Americas Army when they first released it.

            I've played so many game titles through the years I don't even remember them all. The first one I was truly addicted to was Delta Force Black Hawk Down and every expansion pack they had. I played C&C and C&C Heros, and then spent a ton of time playing Battlefield 2. From there I moved on to Call of Duty (the entire series) and am currently spending most of my time playing Battlefield Bad Company 2. Throw in Halo, LFD, LFD2, Fear and some others for good measure

            Anyway, I'm in the Steam community and you can find me under my user name which is wevsspot.

            You can also catch me a lot over at Overclockers Club Forums (my home forums).

            Download Steam, even if you don't have any Steam games and I'll add you to my friends list.


            MSI Big Bang xPower x58
            Intel i7 950
            GSkill DDR3 2000 6x2Gb
            Gigabyte GTX 460 x2 SLi
            OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - OS Drive
            WD Black 640Gb x2 RAID0 - Apps and Programs
            WD Black 1Tb backup and storage
            Corsair TX950W
            Water cooling - Swiftech and DangerDen


            • #66
              Ok ^^

              I don't really like steam, I'm on XFire or MSN.. Anyway, I could install steam (when my computer will be back). I'll give you my pseudo on steam when it'll be installed. If you have some msn or Xfire account, juste send me your pseudo by PM.




              • #67
                PM sent
                MSI Big Bang xPower x58
                Intel i7 950
                GSkill DDR3 2000 6x2Gb
                Gigabyte GTX 460 x2 SLi
                OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - OS Drive
                WD Black 640Gb x2 RAID0 - Apps and Programs
                WD Black 1Tb backup and storage
                Corsair TX950W
                Water cooling - Swiftech and DangerDen


                • #68

                  I got a message from the technical support. They tested the memories on another computer and there were errors too, so they replaced it and couldn't find any instabilities after that. They say they tested all other components and everything is working.

                  I'll see. Anyway, if there is still a problem, I'll send it back!
                  Hope it'll work though!

                  I'll add you on msn as soon as possible. Didn't spent much time on my computer last week. I was at the beach, swimming



                  • #69
                    Hi Cam.

                    I'm glad that they were able to reproduce the errors on another PC and absolutely determine it was an issue with your RAM. I'm looking forward to you getting your PC back.

                    Good luck and keep us posted.


                    MSI Big Bang xPower x58
                    Intel i7 950
                    GSkill DDR3 2000 6x2Gb
                    Gigabyte GTX 460 x2 SLi
                    OCZ Vertex 2 SSD - OS Drive
                    WD Black 640Gb x2 RAID0 - Apps and Programs
                    WD Black 1Tb backup and storage
                    Corsair TX950W
                    Water cooling - Swiftech and DangerDen

