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Got the RMA, but still BSOD

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  • Got the RMA, but still BSOD

    CPU: Phenom II x4 955 C2
    MoBo: ASUS M4A785TD-M EVO
    RAM: 2 x 2 gb G.Skill F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL

    Manually set clocks for CPU, NB, HT @ stock settings and voltages.

    Set mem @ 1333 mhz, 1.5 v.

    System runs fine with one stick. No BSODs, but as soon I add in the second stick - freezes. Not stable.

    Please help.

    Update: Ran Prime95 for 5 hours at everything stock. Memory was in dual channel. But when I opened up firefox and downloaded a small file - the computer froze.

    Changed to single channel configuration ( Motherboard has 4 slots in A1, A2). Been stable so far. Any suggestions?
    Last edited by l1o2l; 07-31-2010, 01:27 AM.

  • #2
    Did you originally have them in A1 B1 or A2 B2? Try the two slots furthest away from the CPU.

    If that does not work, your motherboard may be defective.

    Thank you


    • #3
      Would this be a defective motherboard? When I installed it in B1, B2, it crashes. A slight nudge would cause it to freeze. It's fine in A1, A2.

      All the dual channel configurations do not work. (A1,B1; A2,B2; A1,B2)

      Update: Rerun Memtest86, came up with errors on 1st pass and run. Does this indicate I have a bad IMC?
      Last edited by l1o2l; 08-04-2010, 10:37 PM.


      • #4
        It's motherboard or CPU... I'd go with motherboard first, but if you brought this case to AMD and blame them, they may give you a C3 revision. =x Or if it is a CPU problem, that's great, you can get a C3 if you're within warranty. =)

        Thank you


        • #5
          Haha, thanks. But I bought the motherboard and cpu from some guy. And I have no clue where he bought it. So I don't know if I can RMA the CPU.

          The errors only came up on one stick, the one I didn't RMA. LOL WTF. The RMA'ed one was error free. D:

          Should I just try RMA'ing to AMD?


          • #6
            whoops! haha

            Yea, it doesn't hurt to try. Just say you can only run in single channel, you tried different memory, same problem. Different motherboard, same problem, so must be CPU. Purchased from NewEgg, and hope for the best.

            Thank you
            GSKILL TECH

