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(Only) WoW halves my RAM

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  • (Only) WoW halves my RAM

    Hello, I'm experiencing the following problem on my 2x2 GB G.Skill Ripjaws 7-8-7 DDR1600 @1,6V (F3-12800CL7D-4GBRM)

    My most important system specs are:

    Core i7-860 on MSI P55-GD65
    Corsair HX750
    Windows 7 64bit on SSD
    ATI Radeon 5770

    CPU on stock speed (133 MHZ base clk) and stock voltages (all auto), Turbo&HT ON.

    RAM timings first set to auto, then corrected manually to 2T (as auto sets it to 1T)
    RAM multiplier 6/12 => DDR 1600
    RAM voltage manually set to 1.600 V

    On Windows startup, in Wndows Task Manager 4Gb RAM are correctly displayed (under total physical memory)

    When starting World of Warcraft, and then opening the Task Manager again, it tells me now that only 2GB RAM are installed. WoW quits then soon, Windows is showming me the error message "not enough memory availaible".

    3h of MEMTEST86+ have run fine without any problems (even is RAM is set to 9-9-9-24@DDR1920@1.6V)

    I really don't know what I could do now. Can you help me?

    PS: Set on DDR-1333@9-9-9-24-1T@1.5V works til now. NO IT DOESN,T DAMN! System crashes randomly. Only 2GB!
    Last edited by Cey; 06-25-2010, 11:08 AM.

  • #2
    Reseat the memory and make sure it is firmly inserted. If you have memory hole remapping in BIOS, make sure that is enabled. Have you tried the other two slots?

    Thank you


    • #3
      The whole thing went worse now...

      Both sticks installed in DDR1+3 (as supposed by MSI):

      PC does sometimes start (mostly it repeatedly restarts before POST)
      If it starts only Single Channel availaible. BIOS displays that 2 RAMs are installed, during post: 4096 OK
      Memtest only recognises 2GB RAM, Windows is not startable.

      Only one stick installed in DDR1-slot (does not matter which) => black screen

      Both sticks installed in DDR2+4 => black screen

      I don't know whats going on here....Read about FOXCONN socket problems that cause only 2GB of RAM being recognised, would have to unmount my Mugen 2 in order to check that...
      Or wouldyou say there's something with the RAM?


      • #4
        If both modules are having the same exact problem, it may be a problem with the motherboard. Do you happen to have another system to test the memory on?

        Thank you


        • #5
          System does now don't even boot with DDR1+3 installed. POST succesful (after many restarts before POST as I told). But then it hangs on MEMTEST or Windows start. it's getting more and more worse.

          I don't have another PC to test the RAM.


          • #6
            solow the

            After seven hours of screwing...

            Finally I loosened the screws of my Mugen 2 Backplate (about 1080?). Now all works fine, even with oc. Let's hope it lasts!

            The explanation (I found in an EVGA Forum, hmm... a lot of people are experiencing the same problem) is, that if you fasten the screws too tightly, you can disturb the socket and thus the memory controller.


            • #7
              Glad to hear you were able to figure that out. All should be fine now.

              Thank you
              GSKILL TECH

