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Need help!

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  • Need help!

    K, so I purchased a crosshair IV and ordered this ram G.SKILL Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) 240-Pin DDR3 SDRAM DDR3 1600 (PC3 12800) Desktop Memory Model F3-12800CL9D-8GBRL
    because the pin set up and ddr3 etc matched what the motherboard can use. But I do not see the memorry supported anywhere on asus, or on gskill site. All I see are pentium boards.

    Spazzin a bit since my delivery arrives tomorrow. Will this ram still work with my set up or do I have it all wrong and need to get something different. If so what ram should I get for my crosshair iV motherboard.

    Thank you so much.

  • #2
    Post #4.


    • #3
      They will definitely work extremely well. The colors match well too.

      Thank you


      • #4
        additional question

        Thank you for your repply. I have installed the memory and all components.

        Crosshair IV
        Phenom 1090T
        G.skill F3-12800CL9D-8GBRL
        Intell SSD 80gb
        h-50 cooling

        Now I have messed with some of the overclock settings and have so far gotten 4.2ghz stable at 230 x 18. Temps stay steady at 45c full load after several hours runing. I am prety sure I can push it more but have felt no no need to as of yet.
        What I want to focus on now is my memory. It seems very finiky, before I OC'd the cpu I messed with the memory and system became unstable, I am wondering if there are any recomended setings for my memory, or if I should just leave it as is.
        I think right now it is still runing at default for F3-12800CL9D-8GBRL.

        System is blazing fast. I am getting 2-3 sec load screens for aion, AAx4, gfx maxed, 1900x1080 and up to 210fps (non crowded areas and 96fps in cities, and bout 65 in big battles.) All on an older 4890not oc'd. So I am very happy with the processor and mobo.

        So again, just some pointers on my memory.

        Thank you


        • #5
          Yep, just make sure timings are 9-9-9-24, DDR3-1600, and everything should be fine.

          Thank you
          GSKILL TECH


          • #6
            timings at 9-9-9-24, but can't get 1600

            So I have the timings in at default 9-9-9-24, but have noticed the ram is still only at 938-1000, I can not get it to 1600, Any time I change it to 1600 or anything close to that I get blue screen, and crashes, sometimes wont' even boot untill I drop the memory back to 1000, can't even do 1333.

            Any ideas as to why I can't get it to run at spec?

            Thanks in advance.


            • #7
              Post pictures of the BIOS and we can see what's going on.

              Thank you
              GSKILL TECH


              • #8
                can't send a picture at this time, but...

                I won't be able to send a picture of the bios untill this weekend. I will upload it as soon as possible.

                I did do this however. I changed my gskill memory for some corsair dominators. (I was thinking the gskills where bad). I am having the same problem. The g skils where 1600mhz and the corsairs are rated 2000mhx. Both memory sets did the same exact thing. Won't run anything higher than 1600.

                Now here is something I did not mention. I have oc'd my 1090T at 4.5ghz. Everything runs great, and if I hit the turbo when in windows goes to 4.7 and stable. Great when playing games or anything like that. Now does that mean I can't run the ram at 1600 when OC'd that high on cpu?

                Tonight I am goign to bring the CPU back down to reg clock settings and try to run the corsairs 2000's back at 1600. (have to admit I much rather liked the Gskills. If this works I am sending the corsair's back and getting my gskills back. Then again I want the new gskills that are coming out.

                But I will try the lower cpu clock settings and see if that works.

                But any other sugestions? I spoke with asus tech and he said Bad CPU or bad mobo, but doesn't make any sense as that is the ONLY issue I am having(not being able to run my ram faster than 1000mhz. Everything else works great without any hicups and stable. Oh, temps on my cpu don't go past 49c on full load.

                (FYI- it did run for me once at 1600, however after I loaded a game, aion had 1 sec load screens , it crashed.

                k, that's all i can think of right now. sry i can't post pics at the moment.


                • #9
                  Try giving NB Frequency a boost and CPU-NB Voltage +0.1V and see how that goes.

                  Thank you
                  GSKILL TECH

