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Overclocking the F3-12800CL7-4GBRH

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  • Overclocking the F3-12800CL7-4GBRH

    I have a Gigabyte P55M-UD2 Motherboard and an iCore7 860. I was wondering about overclocking these sticks to 2000MHz.

    Can it be done safely and are there recommended timmings and voltages?

    I tried once with 9-9-9-27-2N @1.64v but I got a BSOD. While it was running it was supperfast.

    Is it worth it?

  • #2
    Increase QPI/VTT Voltage and that should solve the problem. Also, do you have the latest BIOS for the motherboard?

    Thank you


    • #3
      Finally worked

      Took a little while but it worked.
      Went with 9-9-9-27 1N @2000MHz
      1.64v on RAM
      and 1.15v on QPi

      I think I orriginally set the voltage on the QPi too high and was getting bad results. I only uped it by one or two notches. Not the four or five I did before.

      left all other setting to the SPD

      Thanks again and if any issues arise I will post


      • #4
        Fantastic. When overclocking, it can get tricky, which is why I always suggest people to work their way up rather than jump the gun. Enjoy!

        Thank you


        • #5
          Overclocking F3-12800CL7-4GBRH

          I have been trying for almost a year, off and on, to get these to run at 2000. It seems the closest I can get is at 240 bus = 1920Mhz, and then it is non-repeatable in performance testing.

          This is on an ASUS M4A89GTD PRO/USB3 board. The board is rated to run the ram at 2000(oc) though the ram isn't really rated to run at this speed. It also says something about AMD 100 and 200 series CPUs can only run at DDR3 1333, though I have a Phenom X6 BE.

          The timings I get the closest with are 8-10-9-24 (33-110-1T). To get above 240 bus, I have tried multiple permutations of 9-10-9-28 (40-160-2T) and 9-9-9-24, etc. All of which boot but fail on any memeory tests in Prime95+.

          Any help on memory timings for this board, or in general for 2000Mhz OC would be greatly appreciated, I just don't see anyone posting with timings at this speed - maybe an indicator eh?

          Best regards,
          Last edited by Ranger_XP; 01-19-2012, 08:12 AM.


          • #6
            May have just hit the wall with the DRAM or the CPU. While the board may be rated to 2000, that's generally for the actual 2000 sticks, and you also need a CPU that can carry 2000, a 320 OC on 1600 sticks is very good.

            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              Ranger XP,

              You should be trying 9-11-10-28, 9-11-11-30, 9-10-10-28, etc.

              Where are your voltages at?

              Thank you
              GSKILL TECH


              • #8
                Overclocking the F3-12800CL7-4GBRH

                Thanks for the reply: I setup a lab for this and started testing with some limited success. I am hoping you might be able to provide some insight into the timings.

                My test went like this: Prime95 blend 6 threads
                (btw: I run full auto in the bios for CPU and NB spectrum and LLC)

                250x16=4000 dram:2000 NB:3000 ht:2000

                I tested each CPU voltage with a 4x4x9 matrix of CPUv x DRAMv x NBv

                CPU v: 1.48125 - 1.4875 in 1 step iterations
                DRAM v:1.65625 - 1.675 in 1 step iterations ( all tests fail <1.65625v at 1000mhz bus)
                NB v: 1.25 - 1.275 in 1 step iterations

                I then tested each block of 144 test at the 4 timings you specified (all other ram settings at auto = 160/1T):
                1. 9-11-10-28 - least productive
                2. 9-11-10-30
                3. 9-11-11-28
                4. 9-11-11-30 - most productive set for testing

                I found that the ram seems to prefer running at 1.6625 or 1.66875v
                and that the IMC seems most stable when I run the CPU at 1.48125 or 1.484375

                The best I have been able to do is 3 iterations of Prime95 blend at 9-11-11-30 cpu:1.48125 dram:1.66875 nb:1.259375 (low for 3000mhz?)

                One issue I am uncertain about is the (160/1T) timing. When running the ram at 1600 it seems to prefer (110/1T) but I have seen postings indicating that as the bus speeds up, you have to slow the ram down, using 2T and looser timings. Is there more meaningful detail available around fine tuning THIS ram’s timings for 2000OC - or in general?

                Thanks again for the guidance.. hoping you might be able to provide me another set of timings for testing, or maybe help me fine tune the ones provided.

                Last edited by Ranger_XP; 01-27-2012, 12:18 AM.


                • #9
                  Have you tried it with 2T?

                  Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


