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Memory will not go to stock. (8GB PI+Turbulence DDR3 2200)

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  • Memory will not go to stock. (8GB PI+Turbulence DDR3 2200)

    Relevant information:
    CPU: Core i7 930
    Memory: G.SKILL PI+Turbulence 8GB (4 x 2GB) DDR3 2200 (PC3 17600)

    Alright, i've tried it a few ways, setting the multiplier down a bit to 20 X, played around with the BCLK freq every which way I could, the processor maxes out and won't boot around 4.3 ghz with the default voltage settings, so 4ghz more than safe for that to sit at. The memory would NOT go past 2000 mhz no matter how little I increased the BCLK freq. I figured pictures tell 1000 words, so here you go.

    Any suggestions on how I can achieve this? Its already fast as is...but a few people still beat me loading into a new map in BFBC2 lol, would like to get what i paid for if possible in this scenario.


  • #2
    Might want to raise the vCore in small increments, the rated max for your CPU is 1.375 so you have plenty of leeway

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      not worried about the processor, I can get it higher than 4ghz without messing with the Vcore, its the memory i'm having issues with


      • #4
        Thank you for 1000 word essays. =)

        QPI/VTT Voltage 1.60V for DDR3-2000, even more for DDR3-2200+ until it is just too high/hot for your CPU cooler.

        Have fun!

        Thank you


        • #5
          And what timings are suggested for this memory. Not finding too much, this is some top quality RAM, not too many outlets for information on it.


          • #6
            Rated at 7-10-10-28-2N, so you can lower them should you decide to lower frequency, or you can even keep them as so for DDR3-2300. I doubt you'll hit anything above this though.

            Thank you
            GSKILL TECH


            • #7
              Strill struggling to get 2200mhz, or anything over 2050 stable. set the QPI/VTT Voltage to 1.675, even higher when i was testing if it would boot, still no luck there.


              • #8
                What are your CPU temps with and without load? Make sure you are not overheating the CPU.

                Are you using 8GB? Some people have issues with 4GB of DDR3-2000, so if you're doing 8GB at DDR3-2050, you may be nearing max for your memory controller.

                If you can post pictures of your BIOS, I can see what you may have set incorrectly. Otherwise, I would suggest leaving them at DDR3-2050, lower timings to 7-9-9-24-1T, overclock CPU to 4.2GHz, and that will handle some BUSINESS.

                Thank you
                GSKILL TECH


                • #9
                  Updating this, and a lot more frustrated. I spent $499.99 on this kit of memory, I want what it says on the box or at least damn near close.

                  I've tried about every which way possible. Its NOT the CPU. I left the multiplier at like 15 and just bumped the memory to see how high it went before it refused to boot up. When I bought it, I could get it to 2000mhz somewhat stable, it would freeze up in games sometimes, or even when simply loading into windows. I could tolerate that a little bit. Now it won't even do that, its stable at 1850mhz. I increased the QPI/VTT voltage to what you told me to. That did not work. I tried it even higher, wouldn't work. I set the DRAM voltage as high as 1.8 volts even, just to see if that would help. No luck. If I don't get what I paid for soon i'm just going to return this kit and try another brand, this is really frustrating.


                  • #10
                    So... you are NOT stable at DDR3-2050 then, which is what you originally stated.

                    You have to understand that you're attempting a MAX overclock. And yes, it is your CPU that is being limited first. I'm not saying the CPU is defective, I'm saying it's what you need to tune since that is the struggling hardware to stabilize the memory.

                    This kit is not plug and play; in fact, the memory is not even for your platform. But as always, if I know it's possible, and you seem willing, I am more than glad to help. In return, you have to give me the proper feedback in order for me to respond with the proper corrections. So, you have to work with me if you want to get this working to it's potential.

                    Send me screen shots of the most stable settings and I'll see what's going on. Have you memtested each module to insure none are defective? You could use the XMP Profile to test each module at the rated frequency to insure they can all operate at spec.

                    Thank you
                    GSKILL TECH


                    • #11
                      It was stable @ 2050 for awhile, then I decided to bump it up a little bit see if I could get it any higher. Once I moved it I could not get it back up to where I was before, or really anywhere near it. Trying to determine why it will not go back to what it was before. I shouldn't say stock as I realize the memory was merely tested on your systems to run stable at 2200mhz. But I would think that I should be able to roughly mirror those results on my system.

                      Can you explain how this memory is not for my platform? And also explain how the CPU is the piece of hardware that may be failing to boot even when I have the multiplier set to x15 just for testing purposes, while putting the memory multiplier to 14 only to test out how high I could get the memory?

                      Also here are screenshots, I set all of the voltages back to default, and the timings to how I was told to in a previous post.


                      Sorry about the vulgar and lewd post before but these kinds of things can be frustrating, especially if i'm barking up the wrong tree and it could be the CPU. But keep in mind, I have tested the CPU with 3dmark vantage @ 4.4ghz, highest temp it got to was 72 Celsius on a 100% load; it has the Coolermaster V8 CPU cooler, keeps it pretty low even when under pressure.


                      • #12
                        The memory is not for this platform because it requires too much QPI/VTT Voltage to stabilize DDR3-2200. Intel states 1.25V max while we are shooting up to 1.60V+ just for DDR3-2000. But like I said, it can work, but requires tweaking and good cooling to avoid overheating.

                        The CPU is failing to boot because you do not have the proper voltages it needs to operate your desired memory frequency. The memory controller is embedded in the CPU, which is why the CPU has anything to do with the memory. What we are essentially trying to do here is to find the exact QPI/VTT Voltage (memory controller voltage) to stabilize the memory controller for your desired frequency. All of this in addition to memory settings.

                        Try the following settings:

                        In MIT (MB Intelligent Tweaker):

                        CPU Clock Ratio - 16x
                        QPI Link Speed - AUTO
                        Base Clock Control - Enabled
                        BCLK Frequency - 200
                        Performance Enhance - Standard
                        Extreme Memory Profile - Disabled
                        System Memory Multiplier - 10

                        DRAM Timing Selectable - Manual

                        CAS Latency Time - 7
                        tRCD - 10
                        tRP - 10
                        tRAS - 28

                        Enter these for the other three as well.

                        Channel A Timing Settings

                        Advanced Timings
                        Command Rate - 2

                        Advanced Voltage Control
                        Load-Line Calibration - Disabled
                        CPU Vcore - 1.32V
                        QPI/VTT Voltage - 1.60V

                        DRAM Voltage - 1.640V
                        Rest to AUTO

                        Don't forget, I'm not saying the CPU is defective, what I'm saying is you are attempting the CPU's max capable memory frequency, so precise voltages and settings are needed. Tweaking is needed as it is not a simple setting. And as I have been stressing to you, the main voltage or setting that all this is centered around is the QPI/VTT Voltage. This voltage in particular varies from CPU to CPU, which is why I can't simply give you settings, and.. walah! it works.

                        Take a look at this, may give you a better idea of what's going on.


                        Notice he needs 1.58V for 6GB at DDR3-2000 with an i7 920, but since you have a 930 and 8GB, you need to find the spot on voltage for your particular CPU and system. Speaking of which, all your voltages in the picture are still AUTO, so of course anything above DDR3-1600 will be unstable. Including your CPU VCore, you have it overclocked to 4.0, but AUTO VCore. So again, AUTO voltage is a no-no for overclocking. Hopefully it is a good BIOS, otherwise your CPU/memory controller could be fried already.

                        Thank you
                        GSKILL TECH
                        Last edited by GSKILL TECH; 05-07-2010, 03:36 PM.


                        • #13
                          I am unable to boot windows under the settings you gave me. The computer will turn on but it blue screens or shuts off before windows loads.


                          • #14
                            Try 1.55V, 1.50V, 1.65V. It can either be too high or too low, this is where I can't really help you. But once you find a stable voltage, we'll be going downhill...

                            You can also try BCLK 167 System Memory Multiplier 12. But this will limit your max CPU Frequency. In addition, BCLK 200 may be an issue too, as not all CPUs are able to reach this. To reach DDR3-2200 with a 10X memory multiplier, you'll also need to run BCLK 220. That's improbable, so you'll need to lose CPU Frequency for DRAM Frequency. Or vice versa.

                            You may even want to find the max BCLK first to see what you're working with. Otherwise, I'd suggest 200x21 for the CPU and DDR3-2000 CL6 as your desired goals. That would be most feasible, and max performance.

                            I'll try to sign on over the weekend, but if not, I'll be back next week.

                            Thank you
                            GSKILL TECH
                            Last edited by GSKILL TECH; 05-07-2010, 04:08 PM.


                            • #15
                              I moved the memory back down to 1900mhz and was able to boot, thats a step in the right direction from 1850..

                              I'll play with it some more, i've already learned a few things I didn't know from your posts, i'll see that I can do. Thank you for the assistance i'll keep this post updated with my findings.

                              Also its worth asking, are these voltages actually dangerous? They're purple/orange/red as they start getting higher. What would you say the limit would be is before causing damage to my computer?
                              Last edited by Piknik; 05-07-2010, 04:12 PM.

