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Can't run F3-12800CL9D-4GNQ at 1600 speed

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  • #16
    Thanks, I just made it in time. I thank you for your support and tech skills. I will keep you in mind on my next build or upgrade.



    • #17
      I have the same exact setup.

      I have the same exact setup, and not only can I not get the RAM to run at 1600 using the 9-9-9-24 settings (I get lockup within 30 min every time). But I can't even get it to work reliably at 1333MHz using 8-8-8-24 settings. It seems stable, but it quite frequently locks up in the sleep cycle and won't wake up. Other times the PC just freezes completely, it looks and sounds like it's running but the dsplay is frozen (the clock won't change, the mouse doesn't move, nothing but a hard restart will revive it. Then it will sya boot disk failure, then I have to hit Ctrl-Alt-Del, and the second time it starts up fine.

      I notice that GSkill continuously reminds people to set their SB/HT to 1.4V. However, my MB contains no such value. I've been trying to get this RAM working properly for about 6 months now. I really regret buying this RAM, but it's way too late for a refund I guess.


      • #18

        Post your own thread with your hardware specs so we can figure it out for you!

        Thank you


        • #19
          I stand corrected

          Well, up until yesterday, I thought I had tried everything. On one of these threads, I saw a suggestion to increase NB CPU clock voltage to +0.1V.

          Somehow, that seems to be what I was missing. I made that change, got the BIOS timings and speed @ 1600MHz, and was able to get my PC to run Prime95 for 7.5 hours with no errors.

          So, I think I'm all good now. When I was running the RAM @ 1333, I frequently encountered an error where the PC wouldn't wake up from sleep mode. I will be monitoring things closely, but so far, zero problems. If I have any more problems, Ill be sure to post a new thread. Thanks GSKILL TECH!
          Last edited by Moragami; 10-29-2010, 12:18 PM. Reason: update


          • #20
            Fantastic, good to know that if I post something enough times, it will eventually help somebody that searches. =D

            Thank you
            GSKILL TECH

