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Gigabyte EX58-DS4 and F3-12800CL8T-6GBHK

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  • Gigabyte EX58-DS4 and F3-12800CL8T-6GBHK

    Hello i was wondering why i am getting such slow speeds and also why in everest it says under DMI then Under memory controller it says
    Field Value
    Memory Controller Properties
    Error Detection Method 8-bit Parity
    Error Correction None
    Supported Memory Interleave 1-Way
    Current Memory Interleave 1-Way
    Supported Memory Voltages 5V
    Maximum Memory Module Size 1024 MB
    Memory Slots 6

    why does this say 1way? also according to windows 7 right click my computer then properties it says i have 6GB but above is what everest says so i am wondering if somehow my memory is only working in one direction DDR? now i have the sticks plugged into banks 1-3-6 wich are the banks closest to te hard drive bay every other bank but closest to HDD's 1-3-6

    as for other info
    Motherboard- Gigabyte EX58-DS4

    Memory: F3-12800CL8T-6GBHK @8-8-8-21 1.6v

    Bios: cpu core 1.225v
    qpi 1.5v
    all default not auto but default lowest setting

    here is some other information i also attacehed a system report file to this email in case you need it. not sure what all else is needed. Now i notice this problem regardless if i have 1 card in or 2graphics cards 1 being dedicated psyhx. main card is 9800gtx secondary card is 9600gso. windows 7. also 2x wd360ADFD raptors raido.not sure what else is need to diagnose this.

    Item Value
    OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate
    Version 6.1.7100 Build 7100
    Other OS Description Not Available
    OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
    System Name SUPADAN211-PC
    System Manufacturer Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.
    System Model EX58-DS4
    System Type x64-based PC
    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, 3480 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
    BIOS Version/Date Award Software International, Inc. F8c, 9/1/2009
    SMBIOS Version 2.4
    Windows Directory C:\Windows
    System Directory C:\Windows\system32
    Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume2
    Locale United States
    Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = "6.1.7100.0"
    User Name SupaDan211-PC\Whiters
    Time Zone Central Standard Time
    Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 6.00 GB
    Total Physical Memory 6.00 GB
    Available Physical Memory 3.58 GB
    Total Virtual Memory 6.00 GB
    Available Virtual Memory 3.16 GB
    Page File Space 0 bytes

  • #2
    bump. anyone know anything about what this could mean? 1way channle interleaving



    • #3
      hope it will help:




      • #4
        You want the sticks in 1-3-5, the blue ones. If you have them in 1-3-6 as you say they will be running in single channel as opposed to tri-channel


        • #5
          ok yea that was my mistake i put them in slots 1-3-5 iv had this rig awhile just never the time to realy get my knuckles dirty and figure out what the crap is wrong with my pc and why it benchmarks so slow even with 2 raid 0 raptors my fiances PC benches a hair faster and she only has a core 2 e8400 with a slow HDD.

          as for what channle interleaving is i already searched and read most everywhere i know the definition but my question is is it suppose to be 1channle interleaving or is it spose to be 3channle interleaving? in memory banks 1-3-5


          • #6
            It looks like you have Win7 Ultimate loaded, but may have loaded the 32 bit version, instead of 64bit version

            Note above - System Directory C:\Windows\system32 and
            Available Physical Memory 3.58 GB

            If you planned to run 32 bit then your 3rd stick is dragging you down since it isn't usable but taking voltage and some cpu cycles regardless. Also w/ the 32 bit you can only use about 3-3.5 GB of the two sticks.

            I'd suggest dropping the 32 bit and reload with 64bit, your BMs will really jump and put you where you want to be.


            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              wow, this is strange, because i know windows has the x64bit internet explorer on here and certian programs i installed like cpu-id where the x64version. also when i right click on my computer go to properties it says x64 installed. this is the windows 7RC version not the retial. got it from microsoft back in june when it was avalable to public (RC not the beta ) and i know that picture is current. also have a look at this. this is a new problem that cropped up. noticed it just a bit ago (either memory or motherboard, or bios is bad)

              but still that does not at all explain why it says the 3.58gigs when i have 4gigs still working 6gigs worked when that pic was taken a few days ago.

              could it possably be a bios virus? iv long suspected one but am not sure


