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Had some instability issues. Help with BIOS settings please

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  • Had some instability issues. Help with BIOS settings please

    I just built a whole new system and a fresh load of Win7 Pro and had all sorts of crashes and reboots. I put my old video card back in and it had been pretty stable. Until today. Crashed on my first boot. But back up after a couple reboots. Kinda odd since it ran stable for a week straight.

    I'd like to have some help on my RAM and BIOS settings.. Make sure they are correct.

    CPU: AMD Phenom X4 955
    RAM: GSkill DDR3 2mb x 2 F3-10600CL8D-4GBHK

    The timings are supposed to be 8-8-8-21. But my bios has a bunch of other settings as well. I don't know what else shouldn't be on auto. The voltage says 1.5~1.6 for this pair.

    If one of the GSkill techs or anyone can offer help, that would be great. Thanks.

  • #2
    I just ran memtest over night. Got just over 700%.. no errors. So I think the sticks are good.

    Seems like once the machine is fully booted I'm fine. A cold boot seems to start the problems.

    I'd really like to get the settings down and any NB/SB voltage I need to adjust from auto


    • #3

      No auto settings... manually set them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by bna180 View Post
        I just ran memtest over night. Got just over 700%.. no errors. So I think the sticks are good.

        Seems like once the machine is fully booted I'm fine. A cold boot seems to start the problems.

        I'd really like to get the settings down and any NB/SB voltage I need to adjust from auto
        I had similar symptoms...I could run memtest errors, but a cold boot would produce errors. If I then cycled the power off/on, those same errors would disappear. I RMA'd one pair of memory and replacement seems fine (still testing during cold boots...2x and no errors).

        Discussed in this thread.


        • #5
          Thanks. I looked through that thread. That helps with some ideas to try. I'm still hoping to have a G.Skill tech tell me exactly what should be set manually in my BIOS and what to set it to.

          Help please.

          What about the Cool n Quiet stuff? Is this worth keeping on?


          • #6
            You'll want the base settings loaded manually as you showed (8-8-8-21), set your DRAM voltage to 1.6 (can always try reducing it later once your stable), Command Rate at 2T or 2N (however the BIOS shows it). With your mobo it should run without messing in the Advanced Timings, with the exception of possibly the tRFC, if any troubles, let us know what that's set at.

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            • #7
              Well, I had the 8-8-8-21 already set and voltage was 1.5, but I was set on 1T.

              So I booted up cold and put it at 2T and 1.6. Again reboots before getting into windows. Sometimes with a BSOD but mostly not.

              I put back at old settings. Still a few more reboots. It seems to warm up and then I'm good. I'm not sure what the 1T/2T really even means, but it didn't seem to have any affect.

              Any other suggestions? What's the best way to test the RAM?


              • #8
                Download memtest and check the sticks individually

                Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                • #9
                  I did d/l memtest and ran it in Win7 all day and overnight. It got to 718% and 0 errors. That was with both sticks in.

                  I'm trying each stick in by itself with some cold boots. Leaving it off for several hours. We'll see if either one gives issues.

